Archive for March 10th, 2008

Coffee substitute

Monday, March 10th, 2008

It’s been an extremely busy month and I’m thankful for this short breather. Wanted to take a drive up the mountains but when the weekend came about I lost the motivation to drag myself out of bed and into a car. Lately all I want to do is stay in bed. Dad had a surprise in store for me however, on that same weekend I came back and found a treadmill in the living room. Hah, talk about heavy hints :)

So this morning for the first time in over a year, I jumped out of bed and put my running shoes on. It’s been such a long time since I had morning exercise and it feels great to have that early adrenaline rush! I should try to sleep earlier if I plan on keeping this up, already I feel a little fatigue kicking in now from all the late nights I’ve been pulling.

Speaking of exercise, it’s a funny coincidence I got in touch with my ex-PT in NZ again via facebook! I often wish there was a gym like his here. I tried True Fitness for a year but all these big commercial gyms care about is money, no one even bothers to add a little personal touch like remembering your name if you went there 6 days a week, Celebrity Fitness was just awful because they wasted a lot of my time selling me different packages when I was there on free passes etc. And has anyone noticed the amount of people who dress up for the gym?

I’m glad I had that time in V’s gym, it’s great to have a PT who is also a friend who would kick your arse into shape if you couldn’t do it yourself.

Now let’s see how long I can keep this morning run thing up for. LOL.