Ruin nation

Have been busy since I got back from my trip. It’s taken some adjusting, with the weather especially, and topping it off with a madcap weekend and some frustration toward my ISP, again.

I couldn’t stop taking pictures, haha ;)

I met a little girl at Sras Srang who was trying to sell me these bracelets. Instead we had a rather funny conversation. She spoke flawless English and possessed that wide-eyed optimism I seem to be drawn to these days. At the end, she left me with one of her bracelets - for luck, she said before throwing me a grin and running away - despite my protests she needed to sell them.

On our last night I took mom our for a nice dinner at the FCC which, to my dismay later, realised must have easily been the sum of someone’s monthly wages there. I should be more frugal.

Had my first ever palm/face reading today. I’ve never believed in these things, but today was about being random, so I sat down for a reading. I have to say his descriptions were scarily accurate. I have been trying to justify why he said certain things for half the day past and I’m giving up. Maybe these things do have some truth to it. Who knows?

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