I is still here!
Ohai. Too many LOLcat influnz is ruining ma vokab.
What I’ve been up to:
Apartment hunting is fun, although at the moment it’s just kinda for fun. I’m in looooove with a place on Brisbane St, which is ironic :) But Starck-designed!
Karaoke isn’t as bad as I thought. No, I still can’t sing, but it’s fun with a bunch of people who can’t or don’t care.
For some reason I keep messing up my weekdays. Side effect of working 3 day weeks, Wednesday is always a Monday?! Blur. Anyway, tomorrow is my last day on contract. Have a bunch of things to do and then there’s lunch. I still get to go to the company trip in two weeks though, tee hee. I have the best roomie ever.
Must remember to retrieve my Mighty Mouse from office tomorrow. Must.
Will miss my colleagues heaps :(
Threadless tees have finally arrived after one reported missing shipment. SublimI’mAwesomeinal tee is quite LOL. Nick Fong I have the “I listen to bands..” one!!!! Don’t know why I forgot I ordered it. MAYBE BECAUSE IT TOOK 4 MONTHS TO GET HERE?
Caved in and bought a pair of Stella McCartney suede pumps. Soooooo gorgeous. But @#%! is it possible to have blisters on top of blisters? I have a scar on one of my toes that always seem not like new pumps. I read somewhere on Lynn’s blog where someone suggested biting the shoe to break it in.. tempting, albeit a little weird, but I don’t want teeth marks on the suede. Also never listen to store assistant when they ask you to buy half a size up.
Please stop sending me private sale invites :(
Oh, and I’ve had a recent experience with Apple customer service. Had a small issue with my mac not wanting to sleep.. insomnia, LOL? Turns out to be a hardware issue (logic board) but they took the liberty to also replace a bunch of other stuff including a new casing/touchpad so now it looks brand new. Also have a new battery, the replacement they sent under a year ago when they had a recall lasts like, 3 mins with WoW running, now it lasts almost 2 hours. Thank God I bought Applecare.
Oh, also have new screen.
And adapter.
(You’d never get this buying a Compaq. C’mon, make that switch!)
May 1st, 2008 at 2:56 am
its so (SUPER) rare to hear good positive awesome comments about mac malaysia support. all i have been hearing is HORRID stories that would really make you think thrice before making that switch. ;P
May 1st, 2008 at 4:07 am
as with most support its how u handle it.. usually with tmnet i tend to sound annoyed (because the issue usually takes weeks to resolve) which doesnt help when the support guy gets really defensive hahaha. actually i haven’t heard anything bad about mac support so far… just recently a mate of mine got the new MBP after mac being unable to fix a non-closing latch on his old MBP after they sent it in twice, and they always do a great job at my office.