W and I checked out Mirazozo at the forecourt of the Opera House and it was amazing! Go!
W and I checked out Mirazozo at the forecourt of the Opera House and it was amazing! Go!
Only in Sydney, and only with a rockstar pâtissier like Adriano Zumbo, would there be a ‘cake walk’ showcasing the upcoming (now in store) 2010 collection.. I wonder who provided the clothes, haha.. unfortunately I was starving and didn’t stay to see the rest. More at Gianna’s blog!
Have some friends from KL in town this week, perhaps the weekend may be a good time to drop in and buy some fancy treats!
I can’t believe it’s been a year since the last Nuffnang Christmas Party, and it’s here again. Time seems to have flown by so quickly!
So this is my tenth year blogging (I feel so old, LOL, especially when people ask me “How long have you been blogging?”). In the first eight years I made it a point not to have any form of advertising on my blog, given that I’m not really writing for a particular audience, but if you’d told me sooner how fun blog networks like Nuffnang can be, I would have signed up way sooner!
I think our Bloggers are a lovely bunch of people and it was great to meet you/see you all again - Viv, Adeline, Mae, Lauren, Betty, Simon, Janice, Suze, Jayne, Karen, Sam, Joanna - I’m sure I’ve missed a few - and a big thanks to Leanne for helping organising such a great party!
Me and Mae have the same camera and was trying to take our own pictures - except I obviously lost the plot and looked at the wrong camera in both the pictures! LOL.
It does look like there are no male bloggers in Sydney from my pictures (oops) but there are a few as you can see.. it’s not a great picture, sorry. I think I was on my fifth beer by then.
There was also a theme (Blue, Hawaiian!) which I didn’t get to dress up for as I came straight from work. I was wearing a new pair of high-waisted jeans though, which were blue (barely), not since the early 90s have I had a pair of jeans that went up past my belly button! I’m actually kind of liking it. They are from Ksubi.
One of my favourite bands dropped in on Sydney last month – a rather unassuming trio from Minnesota that pioneered the ‘slowcore’ genre. They were in the country for the Melbourne International Arts Festival, though lucky for me they dropped by this way.
Low played a mix of tracks from previous albums – Drums and Guns, Things We Lost in the Fire and The Great Destroyer including one of my fav songs Silver Rider; such an awesome track – listen to it here covered by Robert Plant, lead vocalist of Led Zeppelin.
I really enjoyed hearing the haunting vocals of Low live – Alan Sparhawk, Mimi Parker (above), husband and wife founding members – it is actually quite different from the record. Not better, not worse, just different.. but just as haunting.
And of course they played Monkey!
And closed with Dinosaur Act
It was actually a really good crowd; as the boy observed the people there were a good mix, and slightly older than the average gig crowd. Also it wasn’t packed out, which was great. We found a good spot at the back to chill out with our beers.
I didn’t manage to take any good pictures, but here’s one of them all together:
Would have been nice if they had played this song (Slide) though unlikely since it was from 1994! Still, brilliant, and Mimi Parker still pretty much sounds the same:
Steve Garrington, bassist.
Glad I got to cross Low off my list. I only have a handful of other acts I want to see live – on the top of that list is Radiohead. Can someone please bring them to Sydney? Pretty please?
This year’s Food and Wine fair at Hyde Park North on the weekend was just another excuse to lie around on the grass and eat lots of stuff - challenge accepted!
Saw Nilgiri’s there that I’ve been meaning to check it out but the line was way too long. Also wanted some Pavé de Pork from La Mint but the line was even longer! So in the end, I settled for some curry from Longrain (always good!) and pistachio meringues from Central Baking Depot - they were delicious!
Was a brilliantly sunny day; someone took the opportunity to sky-write a marriage proposal. The full text said “Marry me Jax?” - I tried looking it up, but only found similar snaps from Sydneysiders on Twitter and Flickr. Does anyone know if Jax said yes? :)
There was free ice-cream! Ben & Jerry’s boys - tee hee :)
Spent Halloween at home, doing all the chores I’ve been putting aside! Did anyone get up to anything naughty?