jeffrey campbell


The skinny

Jeffrey Campbell Arizona Booties

Diva necklace

Balenciaga Pompon

One of my go-to outfits - skinny jeans, tank top and a sweater thrown over. I wear this combo pretty often; so much that I’ve had to buy new replacement jeans just last week as these were beginning to fade after being religiously worn for three years. I now have all three Cheap Monday cuts of black skinnies (second skin, zip low, tight) not that you would be able to tell from pictures as the differences are pretty subtle, and the second skin ones are my favourites. Highly recommended, and for around $65 a pop you can’t really go wrong!

Nique singlet, Cheap Monday jeans, Wanderlust+Co / Chan Luu bracelet, Jeffrey Campbell Arizona booties, Celine sunnies. Photos by W.

Absolutely Fuzzy




A recent denim-jacket-turned-gilet makes for some easy layering under a thick leather jacket. No sleeves = no bulk = lightbulb moment! (for me anyway); I totally underestimated the versatility of this piece, had I known that I’d be wearing it this much even in Winter I’d have taken the sleeves off years ago!

ASOS jacket, Sass & Bide vest, Zara tee(s) and pants, Marc by Marc Jacobs bag, Jeffrey Campbell Brit boots (runs large). Photo by W.

Absolutely Fuzzy


I’m highly partial to metallic things – maybe I was a magpie in a past life! In this life however, I find metallics the easiest way to add an extra point of interest to an outfit. Here are some I’ve been stalking this week, really loving the chain effect of the ASOS necklace and the classic simplicity of the Nixon watch. The JC booties have been on my radar for a while now but now they are on sale for around $50-$100 and I can’t decide if I should get the blue or silver ones..

ASOS Open Link Chain
Jeffrey Campbell Arizona Flat Booties (also on sale here)
Giles & Brother Skinny Cortina Cuff
Nixon ‘The Monopoly’ Watch
Pamela Love Gold Arch Cuff

Absolutely Fuzzy




My cousin Faith (who is a really talented photographer!) came to Sydney earlier this month and she left this shirt at my place. I only just noticed the subtle silver sheen this morning when I picked it up and decided to throw it on over a pair of black rats and my trusty JC Poison boots. Not sure why it slipped my mind to ask her to take some photos for me while she was here :)

In other news, a photograph I submitted to the Australian Centre for Photography got picked to be printed for the student show that starts this Saturday. I’m super stoked!

H&M shirt, Sass & Bide leggings, Mango Cuff, Jeffrey Campbell shoes.

Absolutely Fuzzy


The jacket in action.. again! It’s been a crazy week of Christmas parties, practising moderation is hard when there seems to be top shelf Hendricks everywhere (my favourite drink) and in all fairness I brought my own to this party. These pictures were taken by photographer Con Mancuso at the Sydney fotogeekz get together last Friday. How handy was it to throw a photographers shindig at a photography studio? Thanks to Jase for organising and Ben for so graciously letting us use his space.

DIY denim jacket, Robert Rodriguez tee, CC Skye necklace, Sportsgirl leggings, Jeffrey Campbell Poison boots

Absolutely Fuzzy

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