Jan 13 2009

The new post

First of all, I have finally upgraded my WP. Hello widgets! Have been procrastinating for ages and ages, since version 2.5, mainly because I’m plain lazy. Not having to edit and resize images and upload them for the front page makes blogging a little more enticing during my free time. Like now, on a Tuesday, like on all Tuesday evenings from way back then, when I usually have free time.

Currently reading Jeffrey Steingarten - The Man Who Ate Everything. He is a very entertaining food journalist, and I love how his obsessive-compulsiveness comes through his work, and how even more than a decade from when this book was written, a lot of it still has me chasing Wiki up for more.

I guess you might have noticed the new blog theme. The last one was just too high maintenance. It’s a new year, so new theme… and while it’s still valid (through January I’m told) I’ll be using that as an excuse for procurement of all other new things. I like new things. New ideas, new places, new shoes. NEW SHOES. I really shouldn’t. Am riddled with guilt that I’ve managed to survive most of the year unscathed from the evil that are shoe sales, and caved in the last month. Still guilty. I’m hoping to amass a whole lot of shoe-guilt to hopefully avoid CNY sales.

Anyway, the new blog. It will probably take me another six months to upload a header image. I know, I’m a designer and I really shouldn’t be using themes wholesale, but I quite happen to like this one. Of course I do. And I fully intend to, ETA TBC, personalise it in some way. I have way more time to do all the things I wanted to do before, and that takes me a long way away from my computer, since I’m on it all day at work. Here I go procrastinating again :) Anyway am blaming it on blog fatigue, since this year is the ninth year I’ve been typing random stuff online.

Meanwhile, here’s a picture. Ironically now that I’m not required to upload pictures with my posts, I do it.

Newtown one Sunday afternoon

Also, I need to figure out how to resize the ratio of some of these fonts.

When you deal with fonts all day at work, it really is the last thing you feel like doing at midnight. The first time I ever used QuarkXpress in college, I remember thinking.. wouldn’t it be great if I could create websites with such detailed font control. I’m a type nazi (at work) and thankfully for my blood pressure I’ve learnt to ignore blog type. But it still doesn’t stop me from getting annoyed at orphans and the like, and when I see them I automatically enlarge or reduce the browser type display size to get rid of the ones within set paragraph widths.. I will quit while I’m ahead.