Apr 23 2009

16 degrees and counting

As you get older, the unimportant things tend to filter themselves out and the important things make themselves known to you. Sometimes in the order of importance, other times ambiguously, but eventually it surfaces. Today I found inspiration in the words of someone I never really got to know. And I kind of regret not spending more time in getting to know her when I had the chance.

Been quite busy past couple of weeks. Cousin Tim’s wedding was gorgeous. It was at an old church in Waverley, and then we had lunch at a place overlooking the sea in Clovelly. It was nice seeing everyone here, especially my aunts and uncles who really know how to have fun! I can barely keep up. Mum and dad were around as well. Now that they’re gone I miss them all over again. Especially dad, who I am so much like.

The new gym routine is fantastic. I do mostly pilates and crunch, with a day or two of cardio thrown in when I have time. I wake up the next day quite hyper and I’ve been sleeping better. I’ve reduced my dairy intake by about half and eating organic and biodynamic foods when I can. Otherwise it’s business as usual where food is concerned. Lots of red meat and carbs. I’ve also been eating proper breakfasts which throws my metabolism into overdrive. Unfortunately, I haven’t been able to resist the odd mug or two of Max Brenner hot chocolates, nor the Easter bunnies lining up my shelves.. not when it’s getting colder here.

I can’t believe summer is well and truly over already. I am a good weather girl, waking up to blue skies and sunny weather actually puts me in a very good mood which lasts for as long as the sun is out. Winter makes me grumpier than normal. Sigh. On the bright side, I’ve unpacked my winter box of goodies and discovered some really nice jackets and coats I’ve forgotten about. And I am on the hunt for the perfect pair of boots. I can’t decide if I should go for flat knee-high slouchy boots, flat patent boots with a buckle, black cowboy boots or something with a heel. I already have brown slouchy suede boots but suede does not wear well when it rains sporadically as it does here all the time. I haven’t really hit the shops yet - I really should decide before I do otherwise I will end up buying more than one pair.

I have, however, bought a pair of mustard yellow leggings. I’ve been wanting one for a year and it’s probably out of fashion now. Oh well. Perhaps if I hang on to them long enough they might come back. Then again Australia isn’t really in the loop with everyone else when it comes to fashion…

Mar 20 2009

You twit!

Have fully jumped on the Twitter bandwagon. I’m only saying this 500+ updates later! Perhaps, as I was telling a fellow blogger, it’s a justified form of updating my oft-neglected blog, at least something new appears on the front page every now and again. Anyway - if you’re on, here’s a link to mine.

I haven’t been online much lately. I have finally caught up on my regular blog-read run after about a month (by opening all the links on my links page at once.. crash!) and when the occasional urge strikes, I find myself logging onto WoW only to use up a cooldown or two, to buy that damn Oracle Egg, or to de-stress killing furbolgs. I guess it’s safe to say I am bored with WoTLK content, and there is zero drive to finish the game. I wonder what 3.1 will bring..

Anyway. You guys haven’t been updating much either! Nice to see LL finally wrote something for our reading pleasure though.. am not sure how she finds the time since she has been travelling so much lately.

So what have I been up to?

Good question! Nothing overly blog-worthy, evidently. Except..

Oh yes, I went to the gym yesterday. Signed up, even. I have a bet, which I probably mentioned here before, to work my increasingly fat arse out. Ooh - the last time I called myself that was unfortunately within earshot of a pretty large woman, who gave me a very dirty look - and I wasn’t really even kidding about myself!

Didn’t do a lot last night, except a 30 minute crunch class which was actually pretty OK. I more than survived it! I guess all those lame jokes I make to make myself laugh has paid off somewhat.. what? Oh, nevermind. I should also mention I failed the fitness test on a treadmill last week..

Perhaps now is a good time to stop smoking, also.

Food for thought.

I am HUNGRY (it’s lunchtime!!)

Feb 26 2009

I will definitely miss your lame-zone, EE

It has been a great 2 weeks or so being back in KL. Not sure what the initial apprehension was all about - perhaps it’s kind of like the first date follow up jitters, where the first few minutes are awkward before you are reminded why there is a follow up. Anyway, as expected, it is a tad hard to leave the comforts of home once again, for another place I must think of as home also.

Anyway, just wanted to say hi and thanks to the people who’ve made time to catch up with me. As always, it is great seeing all you guys!

Looking forward to T and J coming over in a mere couple of weeks. There are SO MANY THINGS I want to show you guys!

Oh - by the way the kayu nasi kandar last night was a fabulous finale to my eating spree. Must get back to the gym again, now I have a very big bet riding on my (currently awol) ability to shed off the kilos. If things go well I will finally get to go to Rio, fully sponsored! Talk about motivation.

Must get packing!