Archives for “TR”

Moon River

Some times when I listen to a great song I think of the great people in my life. Tonight my night ended with a great ...

Funny how I thought I would have so many things to say about my weekend in Queensland and now I have nothing. I spent an afternoon ...

I was once told that life is a series of short, intense experiences. The time we spend in between those such experiences, the daily grind, ...

Never, never

Today I had a chat with two people I swore to myself I wouldn't talk to again. I surprise myself sometimes. One of them was ...

One of those days

Rushing out of my room on the weekend, I reached out to grab the hairdryer, which had somehow caught itself around the power cable of ...

C’est la vie

Things that happen at the eleventh hour and turns your carefully laid out plans upside down always excite me to some extent, however unpleasant. 2006 ...

It’s all about the ping

D says: [1:40:02 PM] i think i need to get a connection capable of having two computers run at once Steph says: [1:51:13 PM] i think you do D ...

Selective memories

Isn't it strange how some things still feels like it just happened yesterday, despite the fact that weeks, months, even years, have passed since? And ...

I have never been forced to "grow up" as much as I have in the past couple of days. Admittedly things have been relatively smooth sailing ...

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