I’ve been neglecting this list since I’ve moved to Sydney, amongst other things. What is it about us that we get so unquestioningly complacent, and settle into everyday routines that will quite easily see us to the end of our days? Does life ‘just happen’ or is that an excuse we use later on because [...]
We stopped at Coff’s Harbour for the night just to break up the long drive. When I wandered out in the early morning the surf was drenched in sunlight and looked a lot different from when we arrived late at night. Then we made a pit stop at Byron Bay, to the lighthouse where I [...]
By some stroke of luck, and no thanks to the unhelpful check-in counter guy at KL Sentral who told me otherwise, I’ve somehow managed to end up in an aisle seat right at the back of the plane, on a flight full of transit passengers from London. They wanted the seat I was initially assigned [...]
Have a massive amount of pictures from my trip. I usually travel with a laptop but this time around I was armed with a 16GB SD card and have just spent the last five hours of my Saturday night sorting out the pictures. Here are some from when we went to Fraser’s Hill. I was [...]
It has been good being back in KL. It always feels like I’ve never left although there are telltale signs that I have: friends in new jobs, new hangouts, new circles. But the people that make KL so special are still the same. I’m not sure why I came back again so soon. My original [...]