By night

1. The Harbour Bridge 2. Sydney Opera House 3. Night at the Oxford Art Factory 4 & 5. Baxter Inn

I hope everyone’s been having a lovely Christmas!! I’ve been busy but didn’t want to neglect my blog so I thought I would share a few pictures I took recently. There have been lots of Christmas parties and catching up with a few friends who’ve dropped into Sydney for Christmas.. the first two pictures of Sydney’s most iconic landmarks were taken for photography class.

For Christmas Eve, W and I went to his mum’s place for dinner and I had my first bûche de noël (a log-shaped Christmas cake). This morning I woke up at 7am to go to the city for Boxing Day sales, it was quite crazy, there was a long line outside most stores (the big department stores open at 5am!?) but I got into Zara without any waiting and bought a pair of bright printed pants and a denim shirt and went back home and my boyfriend was still sleeping.. hehe. We are probably doing a lot of nothing in the next few days and I will share some more pictures soon! x

  • Call me M

    The first 2 photos are amazing! You’re really talented!
    Can’t believe you woke up so early to go shopping. I don’t know if you have the same things at your Zara as we had last summer. But the bag on my blog with the leopard sides is part of the fall/winter collection, so maybe you have to wait till it’s fall in Australia. I don’t know how it works. I tried to find it again in our stores cause my aunt loved it and wanted one for her, but it was already sold out.

    • Stephanie

      Thanks M! I’m not sure how it works either but some things I bought in Athens earlier this year was only in our store in November, so I think you are right about it being a bit later. I see it on the Zara website though, maybe I will get in online!

  • Lost In Seine

    Wow! Amazing photos!

    • Stephanie

      Thank you so much :)

  • Vera

    Thanks for your comment.
    If you like my blog you can follow it at
    I always follow back.

    Merry christmas to you too!


  • Geminis

    My God the first 2 photos are AMAZING! You’re very talented! and it seems like you’re having a good time :) cool! Guess you enjoyed your Christmas

    • Stephanie

      Thanks so much! Hope you are having a brilliant time as well ;) x

  • Vera

    Thank you! I’m following you too now.
    It would be great i you also want to follow me on Google friend connect.

  • chocolatecookiesandcandies

    *gasp* What a breathtaking shot of Sydney and her iconic landmarks. I’m completely blown away by this photo.