Saturday was rather serendipitous - in the morning it was Vic’s Meat Market Day which was perfect timing for Dr G’s for a BBQ later that evening. It was my first time at the Market Day and I love it! Vic’s sell the best quality meat in Sydney I think. I bought so much! Thankfully they have an industrial sized vacuum sealer there, I have some amazing steaks in the freezer for later this week.
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Entries Tagged as 'Food'
Dinner at G’s
posted on: October 4, 2024
Bon Bon
posted on: September 30, 2024
We were in the city shopping last night and walked past a new chocolate shop at the Strand Arcade called Bon Bon at the entrance where the old Jurlique store used to be.
“Ooh, Bon Bon!” I said. W (being French) corrected me and told me you don’t pronounce the N. “So.. it’s Bo Bo?” I replied without thinking. If I was sitting on a metaphorical chair I would have fallen off it laughing at what I just said.. LOL.
The French have a way of making the simplest words sound quite different to my Asian ears. I am endlessly amused/charmed by how W pronounces “blue”.
The chocolates were delish!
posted on: September 26, 2024
W made us some fresh butter yesterday and it was so good that I wonder why we haven’t been making it more. I’ve only ever made it once in my life with an electric whisk which was pretty easy but much messier than this method in the video below. It only takes a few minutes!
All you need is some cream, a clean dry jar with a lid and some sea salt to season. Make sure the cream is room temperature and at the end you need to get all the buttermilk out of the butter or the butter will quickly go rancid. This is a pretty easy process, since water and fat don’t mix. We ran some water through it to rinse the butter after draining the buttermilk then patted it dry with some kitchen towels. Then add some sea salt to season and spread on some freshly baked bread - absolute heaven!