January 8th, 2009 by Fazhira
First things first ? I like Northrend!
Took about 20 days of casual play to hit level 80 following the wow-pro.com guide. I had more than enough rested xp to get through to 80 (breaking every day or two or three) which made it a lot less painful. What I enjoyed was seeing all the new zones and the new dungeon/raid structures.
First impressions ? Blizzard has raised the bar with new format quests, dailies and boss fights. I had a lot of fun doing a lot of the quests while levelling, although I only went through the first five zones (Howling Fjord, Bread Tundra, Dragonblight, Grizzly Hills, Zul’Drak) and did zero dungeons before I hit 80. No issues with solo questing at all. T5/6 gear in BC took me to 80 quite easily (and sadly I still have a few pieces I have yet to replace with 80 blues) and some of the group quests were easily soloable.
At the moment I’m specced for my weapons rather than looking for weapons to go with my spec. Have gone combat fist/sword; the new rogue talents are very versatile however like most I find DPS to be sub-par even with ‘entry’ level 4pc T7.10 gear.
My first raid as a fresh 80 in a 10 man Naxx I did embarassingly less DPS than the MT (granted, the rest of the raid are Champions of the Frozen Wastes and I’d just only picked up the game, but still..). Thanks for babysitting me :)
Have promised (myself) to not spend too much time playing thus have only casually glanced at the spreadsheets and read up on expertise/hit capping for LK. More later.
October 23rd, 2008 by Fazhira
IRL stuff caught up with me and I’ve been away from the game for a couple of months. Am now in Sydney indefinitely, which means better ping and weather :) I have a job working in an office that puts out a whole bunch of gaming mags which is awesome.
Looking forward to the WOTLK expansion, which will be in a couple of weeks, and I probably will be back. However, last I checked, WDK has fallen apart at the seams with a bunch of core guys leaving for other servers, selling their accounts and just quitting for other games. I doubt I will be raiding ever again.
Fun while it lasted :)
April 21st, 2008 by Fazhira
Apologies for lack of updates. I will probably not be updating for a while after this.
Guild had some issues with numbers and old raiders leaving the game after some months of intense raiding. Some server transfers, real life friends etc came over from other servers and we’ve been running some lower instances to help gear them up. Things are near back to normal now but progression has been halted quite severely since and we’ve had some more people leave due to a few reasons. I can’t really see us doing RoS attempts anytime soon.
Unfortunately also my interest in the game is slowly deteriorating. Probably because we’ve been raiding so much before… so there isn’t too much to blog about.
On the bright side, Shard of Contempt dropped tonight.. :)
March 25th, 2008 by Fazhira
Yes it’s been ages, no I still don’t PvP ;)
I do, however - and predictably - blog on Tuesdays. Am excited about the new 5-man instance, not so much the 25-man yet as we’re yet again short on numbers for raid and have temporarily ‘paused’ raiding until our AFK members turn up again. Rather disappointing for many of our raiders who regularly show up, especially those in the US as we raid on Oceanic time on a US server.. hopefully the situation improves soon as we’ve been making solid progress thus far up to ROS.
accident navodari
aparat glicemie
aranjamente combinari
importator baloane
nicolae guta baterie
versuri celebre
clinica particulara bucuresti
procesor temperature
tarife curatenie
scenete serbare
echipament de lucru
exemple de spete
garsoniere suceava
apartamente ieftine
tubulatura aerisire
definitia legendei
alimentator toshiba
buchete de mireasa
obiecte personalizate
obiecte personalizate
tehnologii noi
design sigle
sisteme de navigare
asistent stomatologie
cumpar televizor
tipar costum
Am rather disappointed that instances up to BT no longer require attunement, but it had to happen sooner or later. Enough said.
Not much being changed for rogues, so no QQs atm, until I find a reason to :)
Until then, time to redownload all my mods again…urgh.
March 4th, 2008 by Fazhira
Guild is currently on Reliquary of Souls having downed Shade of Akama, Teron Gorefiend and Gurtogg Bloodboil last week. We managed to get him to 17% in Phase 3 on the first night right before server reset. I like this fight despite it being a super busy one. Will probably down him next week after reset, we are still doing Hyjal Summit in the meantime thus only have 2 nights in BT. Teron has been quite decent, constructs were much easier in-game than on flash game (which i only passed once due to being non-WASD user and it’s upside down). Gurtogg down on 2nd try; was not in raid for Shade of Akama FTK.
teste angajare
creare avatare
cerere catalog
comenzi piese auto
cumpar miere
paturi dormitor
promotii frigidere
educatie fizica
fonduri mediu
curs gestiune
igiena in munca
reparatii instalatii
fonduri investitie
legislatie achizitii
oferta hotel
metode optimizare
piata de masini
model recomandare
tehnici de relaxare
rochii la moda
finantare sapard
sursa stabilizatoare
inscriptionari tricouri
proiect imobiliar
cure slabire regim
sfaturi sport
New raiding rogue in guild; a belated welcome to Hide, and the rest of the new crew that just came on board, Trep, Exx, Wik, Bundy etc :)
Quest for DST has been epic failing. Still going for PUGs and the one time it dropped I’m glad it went to Zulu. I think it’s been about eight months now.. this reminds me of the Ragnaros dagger that never dropped. Meh :/
Still have temperamental router issues I need to fix and a Warlock I’ve just started leveling.
February 11th, 2008 by Fazhira
Anya is an awesome artist!
Sorta running joke I think Leo is an absolute hottie. Nice touch on the T5 head ;) Which reminds me I need to change the banner above.. been a while since I wore those Mag’har shoulders. And um, nice arse ^.~
Thanks you <3
February 6th, 2008 by Fazhira
Archimonde FTK
We went back in this week before server maintenance with a slightly different raid composition and didn’t manage to take him down. For some reason it felt harder than our kill attempts. We wiped for about 2 hours.. GG.
Notes on the fight: After that many attempts I feel that CoS should be kept only for Doomfire. On Monday it felt like we were losing a lot of the frontline to Grips due to out of range decursers. Maybe our positioning was messy. Using CoS CD on a Grip meant that in situations when you get feared into a Doomfire or it runs through beneath Archimonde/spawns on top of melee puts unecessary strain on healers which are not usually assigned to frontline when you can’t remove it. Decursing Grips *should* be top priority for decurse classes anyway. Ideally. However having said that it is still situational.. if you don’t get decursed and are about to die you just have to pop CoS and pray for a heal and no immediate fear/doomfire.
Apart from a decurse and CoS, another way to remove Grip would be to pop a Purification Potion.. however it should be noted that it fails quite often. Restorative Potions does the same thing over a period of time but it takes a while before the first tick kicks in so it shouldn’t be used at all for this purpose.
Naj’entus kill
He looks like a giant hermit crab. The fight was pretty straightfoward. More of a healer thing keeping everyone topped up before we pop his Tidal Shield. His Impaling Spine move is pretty cute as well.. the first wipe was pretty funny. We had macroed the /use itemname wrong.. It is actually called Naj’entus Spine and not Impaling Spine.
A timed CoS will save you from taking the 8500 frost damage when the shield breaks. We found wound poison/mortal strike not really necessary as most guilds would have the DPS to take him down quite easily.. although it would speed up the fight for the healers. He heals for approx 1-3% each time without debuffs and he has around 3,600,000 HP.
Checking out Supremus
Didn’t take a screenshot of the kill. Only concern for rogues is the Hateful Strike (like Gruul’s) which hits leather for about 20k damage if you’re really that unlucky that your OT has less HP than you when that happens.
Haven’t been back since - did another round of SSC and TK clears to attune new guild members and have since gone into Hyjal. Finally got [Serpentshrine Shuriken] to replace [Nethershrike]. Also picked up [Gloves of the Forgotten Vanquisher] from Azgalor but the same thing happened to me that happened to Grimmer before. RL couldn’t master loot token to me so after about 72 hours and a few tickets I finally got it in the mail. Dammit, the excitement is gone already LOL!