Friday Five: Style Bloggers
I haven’t updated my links in ages which I’ve been meaning to get round to - so while I procrastinate, I thought I’d share some of my favourite blogs in this week’s Friday Five :) These lovely ladies have all inspired me in one way or another, so I hope you enjoy their blogs as much as I have. In no particular order..
Aubrey from Hope This Lasts
Aubrey is a fellow Sydney-sider with a quirky style, a penchant for polka dots and pretty bouquets. I started reading her around the time she posted her travel pictures from India - she takes pretty amazing ones!
Sietske from Connected To Fashion
I found Sietske on Lookbook and was immediately drawn to her minimalist style. Some of you will probably have seen her photos at some point, she’s everywhere! I love that her looks are always extremely wearable and fuss-free yet she always manages to look very styled.
Jenny from Neon Blush
Jenny has an amazing eye for photography, and I always enjoy her posts. She has perfected the art of layering and always manages to look effortless in that downtown LA kind of way, which is where she’s from funnily enough ;)
Annette from The Versastyle
Annette is a shoe designer, foodie and fashionista all rolled into one. I think my heart skipped a beat when I saw she’d named Anthony Bourdain as one of her heroes because he’s one of mine too. She has an innate way of putting together all black outfits.. and you need to check out her shoe and bag collection. Girl’s got game!
Jayne from Stop it Right Now
I can’t remember how I came across Jayne, but I’ve been religiously reading her blog for at least a year. Or two. She has the biggest Celine obsession, the two cutest pups on the blogosphere and an a really brilliant sense of style that is no doubt heavily influenced by her background as a skateboard-apparel menswear designer and growing up in 90s California. Also has had me obsessing over these Jenni Kayne flats for just about forever (two seasons is a long time!)..
Images via respective blogs.

- konstantina
- Xixia
- Kim
- Miranda
- jamie-lee
- Miss J
- LifeStyle Journal
- Call me M
- Sue
- fabliha
- bravoerunway
- Winnie
- annette
- Talía
- Michelle Ho
- chocolatecookiesandcandies
- Stephanie / FAIIINT