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01/03/2024 Entry: "It's not easy looking for a job!"

Another boring (but short) 'looking for a job' post..

I just realized that it isn't easy looking for a job if you don't have any contacts. Thank God I do. I just spent the past 3 hours creating a resume (finally) and browsed job sites online, and I realized, the good jobs are all offline. Heh.

Read 4 chapters of 'PHP in 24 Hours' today. OOH. PHP!

Went for a superb japanese dinner earlier courtesy of Jin's parents. A meal I'd probably never be able to afford in a million years. Had Haagen Daz for dessert. The people behind the counter at the Bangsar outlet are really dense. Seriously. Enough to make you never want to go in there again.

Enough about me. Let's talk about you!

A total of 4 people e-mailed me (because I forced them to!)

E-mail 1:
Im as bored as you are.

You're not helping un-bore me, however, why not see who dies of boredom first? Hehe.

E-mail 2:
Your webcam picture is too big now. What happened to delicacy? Be more subtle, lose the in-your-face brashness!

i'm a little confuzzled over that too; the standard size seems to be 320 x 240; hmm.. any suggestions how to solve this?

E-mail 3:
ive been following your site for some time now...for some reason i find immense entertainment in reading about what you do daily...perhaps because i lead such a boring lifestyle!! happy new year to you...perhaps this is a day late. why isnt your cam streaming?

Thanks, Noel, I'm surprised no one finds it boring considering how I blog mindlessly and endlessly about my daily err.. stuff. Then again, everyone else is doing pretty much the same, eh? Happy New Year to you too, better late than never! And my cam isn't streaming for 2 reasons; I don't have a prog to automatically capture/ftp for me (and I'm too lazy to look for one) and, I'm on a 56K connection, which limits my err.. online activity alot. Hehe.

E-mail 4:
Are you single? :D

Why do you ask? I did a 'Virtual Interview' thingie online today - it's supposed to sort of prepare you for job interviews and this happened to be one of the questions. And the most 'accurate' answer is the one I just gave you. Why do you ask? Apparently, it's better to reply with a question so you can better understand the interviewer's question in how it might relate to your job; ie. relocation possibilities, etc. and then give him/her a more detailed answer, instead of just saying 'I'm taken'. Oh, nevermind! :)

Keep the e-mails coming. Hehe.

Replies: 2 comments

boo hoo.
ugly. :9 but hehe

Posted by evan @ 01/03/2024 04:50 PM GMT

evan, i linked you already, under 'frequented' because you don't update daily.. hiaks.. :) *hugs*

Posted by fuzzy @ 01/03/2024 05:37 PM GMT

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