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01/04/2024 Entry: "Movie Mistakes!"

Movie Mistakes!

Did anyone notice anything? I was too engrossed in the movie LOTR to really notice. :)

Lord of the Mistakes - Rings Slammed for Errors
World Entertainment News Network--It may rule the box office at present, but movie fans have spotted whopping 37 mistakes in the LORD OF THE RINGS film.

Since the first installment of the trilogy, THE FELLOWSHIP OF THE RING, debuted earlier this month (DEC01), audiences have posted numerous errors they've spotted on the Website MOVIE-MISTAKES.COM. For example, in the scene where SAM and FRODO are in a field with a scarecrow, you can plainly see a car cruising past in the distance, from right to left.

When members of the Fellowship walk up the snow-covered mountain, their footprints cannot be seen in the wide shots.

In another, Hobbits are barefoot, but when Frodo and Sam are first walking through the fields, Frodo's leg comes above the level of the long grass - and a shoe is clearly visible.

But despite the errors spotted in Lord of the Rings, the number isn't bad compared to some other big-budget productions.

The movie-mistakes Web site lists more than 50 errors in HARRY POTTER AND THE SORCERER'S STONE, 138 in THE MATRIX and 130 in TITANIC.

In other stuff, glad some people got their dot.tk domains! Why don't everyone with dot.tk domains leave a comment here so I can see who got what? :)

Ooh, and Pearly, welcome back!

Me gonna go for dinner now.

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