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01/05/2024 Entry: "GRR!"
I need fresh meat. Something new to bite on. A job perhaps. Maybe a new layout? I know what you're thinking, I just changed it, less than a month ago. Sigh. What I need is a total life revamp. Eek.
Woke up very late again today, had dinner with Bron and hung out with him and Jin for awhile chatting. That's it. My day. Hehe. Need to rethink my month. I haven't been very organized lately, due to lack of schedule, that of which is due to lack of classes.
Things I (really really) need to do. Jan 6/7/8/9 - Pick up term results from college Jan 10 - Article deadline(s) Jan 16/17 - RMIT Interview at IDP
Going for a special dinner tomorrow night, Italian, yum. Gotta remember to call Empo tomorrow, no points for guessing where I'll be spending the rest of my night.
Replies: 3 comments
whoa what up with the pic of the day steph
Posted by Chris @ 01/05/2024 08:18 AM GMT
eeehhh...sookling, u own a digital camera ritee...what brand izzit?
Posted by xes @ 01/06/2024 04:05 AM GMT
i use a kodak dvc
Posted by fuzzy @ 01/06/2024 04:14 AM GMT
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