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01/09/2024 Entry: "Flashed and Directed"

Flashed and Directed

Thanks to Ben, I've renewed my interest in Flash once again. I have this really wierd relationship with Flash and Director, I only used to play with it when I had to do stuff for class, but after awhile, lingo got interesting, and I'd spend too much time with Director to care much about Flash. When I'm stuck or sick or fedup with Director, I'd go back to Flash, kinda like a love hate thing, you know?

Which made me realize that friends like Joey and San Yen are really cool because they take the initiative to actually learn and experiment with lingo and actionscripts; unlike me, who just do what I have to. Which is probably why they're so good in what they do and I'm still stuck at the beginner-intermediate stage, which means I'm familiar with the interface and stuff, but still not as good as I'd like to be in scripting. And that's bad, because when it comes to Flash and Director, scripting is everything.

Script, script, script.

So instead of experimenting like my friends, whenever my interest in either is renewed, I would spend countless hours deconstructing what others have done and examining every aspect of the scripts in hopes of learning something new. Which is a start, I suppose, but I would really like to script with the kind of confidence San Yen has instead of checking every other line before compiling it. Other times, I just ask for help from the nearest lingo-capable friend when I've hit a brickwall, in hopes I'd learn something from watching them pull me out of the lingo blackhole. Haha.

So anyway, I was typing this post earlier, and got kinda far, but a shockwave installation prior to viewing yugop just closed IE for whatever reason; and my post was lost. Shit. I'll try to recall what I've typed.

I have 384 .fla files and 142 .dir files currently sitting around in my harddrive, and thanks to Ben, you can add about 80 or more .fla files to that amount. And I haven't pulled apart half the files yet. Guess I should be getting busy, eh?

But what disturbs me greatly is the fact that 98% of all the files I have utilise only digital graphics - by this I mean graphics that are created in flash or photoshop/etc and not real pictures; or scanned images of real life things. But I must admit, vector stuff does not only look cool, it's practical - keeps the filesizes small, and it's zoomable. Heck, given a choice, I'd go vector also, but that doesn't stop me from hoping I'd come across a really cool flash toy with real images.

Needless to say, most of the stuff I looked at today have one thing in common - they all utilize a dark gray background ala the first version of PrayStation. Josh Davis, at Fresh Sydney, even addressed this issue of everyone relating dark gray websites to PrayStation. And if you've never been there, shame on you.

Shit, it took me this long to recall what I've typed out in my previous post, and I'm sure I've left out some stuff still.

So back to the dailies; I've fallen sick. Been playing cat and mouse with the flu for the past 2 days and it's finally caught up with me. The flu, not the cat (speaking of cats, I've got another thing I wanted to post about.. in a sec) So I'm feeling major blah at the moment, perhaps I might sleep early for once; hah, it's 4am already.

Watched Not another teen movie and Something to talk about recently - mostly during sleepless nights. I need somemore movies to watch, although I might want to refrain from buying somemore in hopes I'll get to sleep more.

Anyway, about the cat, some of you might be familiar with Don Cat? I finally gave him a bath; threw him in a pail of Woolite and watched him sink and the water turn murky. Ish. Grandma wanted to put him in the washing machine, but I couldn't bear to see him put through spin dry.

And before you bash me with animal cruelty comments, Don Cat is a stuffed toy. Heh.

Today wasn't so good; was tired and lethargic and sick and hungry, I went to see Bron in the evening after a short nap, and took another short nap while Bron and Jin played CS.

Tomorrow will be better.

Replies: 4 comments

when u become big time flash designer next time..just remember that to get me a nice car ok?

Posted by bling @ 01/09/2024 08:14 AM GMT

ahahah!! Uncle B, tsk tsk tsk :P sooks, Don Cat finally gets a bath eh? *grins*

Posted by woozie @ 01/09/2024 10:14 AM GMT

the world needs more 'nice' people like me to cheat all the innocent young girls out there....*wink*

Posted by bling again @ 01/09/2024 11:02 AM GMT

cheat? innocent? young?

eh. uncle ben, dun be uncle beng! :)

Posted by fuzzy @ 01/09/2024 04:59 PM GMT

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