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01/13/2002 Entry: "Saturday night fever"
 Saturday night fever
Cripes, it's 5 am already. I should not be online.
The dinner was excellent, it's a buffet and I ate till I almost burst. Jin's dad is so nice to take us out. I went back with Alice after that to drop off my car, looked at some pics while we waited for Jin, Bron and David to pick us up.. headed to Empo, went in, finished the bottle of JD we left there last week, got Jin high by buying him a Flaming Lambourgh, got bored, went to Viva, got bored, left. Summary of my night.
There was actually much much more, but too funny/embarassing to write about here. There are too many people reading this blog that also know me in real life, I'm sure those who have their own blogs will know what I mean, hahaha.. so yeah, I do leave out some bits here and there.
About the job thing I was blogging about, well, I turned it down. Call me crazy, but I did. I've never missed a deadline, didn't wanna start now coz I wasn't sure if I'm really all that up for it. Sigh.
Replies: 2 comments
Hey my cutie pretend gf. Im getting popular b ecause of you. LOL
Posted by Chris @ 01/13/2002 05:21 PM GMT
Hey Steph! That's a cool tattoo! Roxs. I fink I might get one myself. Not pegasus .. hehe, maybe another animal or something. Take care
Posted by Jamie @ 01/13/2002 10:53 PM GMT
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