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01/15/2002 Entry: "On the subject of tattoos"
 On the subject of tattoos
Ah, this post is just to answer all the questions in my shoutbox. Skip it if you want.
Firstly, before getting a tattoo, make sure you actually want one. It's gonna be something you have to live with for the rest of your life. So yeah, think way ahead, because to get it removed would be a lot more painful than to get it.
Pain? Bearable. Mine didn't hurt that much. Depends on you actually, my friend who got it right before mine took alot longer because she took breaks every 10 mins; I sat through the whole 40 mins without moving a muscle. To be honest, the only pain I felt was during the first 2 minutes, and that was because I've never felt a tattoo needle on my skin before, so after getting used to it (and your skin numbing) the pain became significantly less. And beware of the sound, haha, the bark is definately worse than the bite.
As for cost, depends on size, anything from 50 bucks to hundreds.. thousands if you want to get your whole body tattooed. Haha. Mine was pretty cheap.
Where to get it done? The more popular places in KL seems to be: Sungai Wang, Bangsar and other places in the city.. try the 'Pantai' one, the artist, Ed, is pretty good. No I don't have contact information, sorry.
Other things you should know.. a layer of skin peels after 2 days or so, only after about 6 months will a tattoo look its best. And, go do some online research about tattoos before you get one.
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