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01/18/2002 Entry: "Fishy fishy"
Fishy fishy
Was gonna post earlier but I had a sucky connection. Blame TMNet.
Went for lunch with Bron earlier today, told him I wanted to buy a phone and he took me to BU.. we walked in the shop and 5 minutes later I came out with a new Nokia. Coming out of the shop, we bumped into Jin who was there to buy movie tickets for us.. what a coincidence.. at lunch hour too. So we went to Dave's for lunch, had ourselves a nice pasta meal, rushed Bron back to work and I headed down to Subang.
I was early for my 3pm appointment with the RMIT representative, so I had a drink first, went back in, waited till about 3:45 because there was just too many people.. sigh.. ended up staring listlessly at the RMIT guy and the walls repeatedly, then 10 minutes into that I realized I'd brought my book along, so I read.
I'd like to say the interview went well, but I'm not so sure how it went myself. Firstly, the guy didn't know much about the Art division of the Uni, much less about credit transfer details, so he was pretty vague and I was irritating him with my endless questions. I later gave him my portfolio on a CD, and promised to submit the rest to him ASAP (which, later in the evening, I found out that I gave him a CD case without a CD inside.. so I'm pretty much screwed.)
I went back and played with my new phone.. had dinner, drove to Bron's.. and he took me fishing! Kinda fun, I played with the little fishies (bait) for a while, almost got eaten alive by the mozzies and Bron almost caught a fish in the one hour we were there.. we were actually there coz his dad was there, so we went to look but he ended up fishing for awhile.
I'm feeling better now, much more than yesterday..
About the CD, Bron burned 3 copies of it for me and we were testing them out at his place yesterday and forgot to take out the final copy we tested, so I had 3 CD cases and 2 CDs with me, not realizing that, I gave the RMIT guy a copy, and with my ass luck, it turned out to be the empty one.
My day in a nutshell.
Ooh, and Pearly's got a really nice new layout!! Go look! :)
Replies: 2 comments
look at my page
Posted by Chris @ 01/18/2002 07:57 AM GMT
hahaha, the pink bug's going around :)
Posted by fuzzy @ 01/18/2002 07:26 PM GMT
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