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01/19/2002 Entry: "The post that took 5 hours"
 The post that took 5 hours
I'm weighing every single decision I have to make right now, and there are many to be made and made soon. I've reached those crossroads where I either go left or right, or stay where I am. Not the first time I have to do it, and it definately won't be the last. I'll be 21 years old in exactly 23 days from now. Some say that 21 will be the age where you are truly adult. I don't feel any closer to being one at all. 20 years living has made me a little.. melancholy about life.
What's this whole life thing about anyway? The concept of life, the whole meaning of life.. sure, everyone goes through it, no two are the same, but what is it about? What's the ultimate goal? What comes after life? Death? And what is death about?
Tell me I'm depressed.
No, wait, don't. I already know that.
Oh, and sorry for the slight downtime earlier today, the people coming here for Libb* H*eler stuff that i DON'T have are taking up alot of my bandwidth.. hehe.
My mind is jumping places. I can't seem to stay focused on one topic at a time. You have no idea how irritating that is. And now I can't remember what I wanted to say in this post. I'll have you know this window has been open for 4 hours and I only got this far.
Now I'm wondering how many people I know in real life reads my posts.
Tonight has been shit crap in the friend department. No, I don't mean my friends are crap, I'm a crap friend. I always forget birthdays. Happy Birthday, Sue.
Tonight's been crap in the plans department too. Was supposed to meet up with Sharon, but she had to go for a dinner at KLCC, Irene's attending some church thing in Bangsar, but I didn't feel up to it because we were on the phone and she was talking so fast I didn't get most of what she was telling me about the church thing, and Diana's going someplace really far away to yumcha (Sentul!) and Lynn wasn't sure if she was going to Empo or Sentul.. and Elaine was headed for Hartamas, which I considered for all of 5 minutes, and decided not to go..
I actually felt like going out today.. I miss going out with Lynn, Eleana, Elaine, Yen Li and Lai Min like we used to a year ago. Somehow some things have changed, everyone seems to have new friends and new agendas. Perhaps I should round up everyone next weekend for a bit of girly fun? Nouvo (new club) will be opening next Friday and I wanna pop by to take a look. We'll see.
So I ended up at Bron's.. and we spoke alot, I had my dinner of McDonald's Cheese Burger and Fries at 10pm (God, my timing is seriously screwed) and we both played Snake II on my new mobile phone till 2am. He beat my high score, dammit. Now I have to get a higher one. And why isn't Club Nokia available in Malaysia?! I wanna download new games for my phone!
Talking to Jack Dirt (<3!), Tiffany, Adam and Chris on AIM. Chris is too funny! I <3 Chris!
absolutelyfuzzy: chris, you heartbreaker! absolutelyfuzzy: break my heart now will u absolutelyfuzzy: leave me for another guy absolutelyfuzzy: *s0b* IxxxAKUMAxxxI: hehe IxxxAKUMAxxxI: nah ur my gf IxxxAKUMAxxxI: i will have you IxxxAKUMAxxxI: :-) absolutelyfuzzy: sure???? absolutelyfuzzy: pwomise???? IxxxAKUMAxxxI: pwomise absolutelyfuzzy: ok *MWAH* absolutelyfuzzy: i <3 you!! absolutelyfuzzy: g'nite! IxxxAKUMAxxxI: i love you too IxxxAKUMAxxxI: night night
Mmm, this will have to end here, this is by far the longest post I've ever written. Not in terms of lenght, more so the time it took to finish it. Argh. I'm gone.
Replies: 12 comments
hehehehe I love steph more!!! ;) of course Bron will kill me but then again Im harmless. hehehe *muah*
Posted by Chris @ 01/19/2002 08:30 AM GMT
hmph! jealous....... :(
Posted by jealous boy ben @ 01/19/2002 10:56 AM GMT
hey stephy,how much did ur highligts cost?very cool
Posted by jujubes @ 01/19/2002 03:39 PM GMT
Umm, about 40 bucks.. used to be pink but now it's faded off.. I have to make a trip to the salon to get rid of the roots soon :P
Ben? Jealous? HAH!
Mwah Chris!
Posted by fuzzy @ 01/19/2002 04:26 PM GMT
I lub Jo0 Stephanie *muah*
Posted by Jack Dirt @ 01/20/2002 02:13 PM GMT
Lord Dirt :) MWAAAAAAAH!
Posted by fuzzy @ 01/20/2002 02:28 PM GMT
:) cool...how long did ur highlites last?thinkin of gettin it done on me as well...hehe!i suppose pink is a *cool* color...not very common!so,when u're leavin for RMIT?
Posted by jujubes @ 01/20/2002 05:14 PM GMT
ah, there are few types.. 'permanent' ones last about 3 mths at least, mine are semi permanent, lasts about a mth, then i just have to redye it..
got the dye from aussie.. i still have enough to last me another 6 mths ahaha
Posted by fuzzy @ 01/20/2002 11:23 PM GMT
ooooh... so u had them done at a salon...cool man!any brands which can b bought locally?
Posted by jujubes @ 01/21/2002 12:08 AM GMT
err, some colors are harder to find than others.. i suggest you go to sg wang and check..
bleached at salon (for the color to show) but dyed pink at home.. hiaks
Posted by fuzzy @ 01/21/2002 12:36 AM GMT
chris you two timer!!!! *wail*
Posted by pearly @ 01/21/2002 12:42 PM GMT
ROFL@Chris.. haha
Posted by fuzzy @ 01/21/2002 02:04 PM GMT
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