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01/21/2002 Entry: "Fishy Fishy Fishy"
Fishy Fishy Fishy
I'm so tired.. maybe this lack of sleep thing is finally getting to me (for about the 100th time this month) I woke up pretty late today (2 pm) but if you wanna compare it to the past few days, you might say it was early.
Woke up, and guess what? Bron took me fishing.. really fun experience, and yes, we did catch something. I tied my own hook, set up the rod and casted it like how Bron does it. My bait flew to one end and my hook to the other end this one time.. it was pretty funny. I had no guts to bait my own hook though, we used live bait, little fishes (gasp! those poor things!) that were so cute.. I wanted to bring them home. (Sorry for the horrendous sentence constructions..)
So anyway, we didn't manage to catch any fish, until this one time when Bron's mom got her floater thing tangled with her hook, so Bron was detangling it, and he dropped the end of the hook in the water to keep the little fishie alive.. and this huge Barra jumped up and ate it (waaaaah!).. talk about fluke.
We went back and barbequed it (yum) and ate it for dinner together with the usual barbie stuff, chicken, lamb, sausages.. and an ice cream cake for dessert. I am so full. Watched Gladiator on HBO (I think) after dinner for awhile then came back home.
I really should try to sleep early for once.
Replies: 2 comments
rock a bye stephy on the tree top when the wind blows the cradle will rock, when the bough breaks the cradle will fall and down waill come stephy...\caught by me. *grins* love you stephy heheh
Posted by Chris @ 01/21/2002 05:07 AM GMT
A girlfriend that follows him to fishing....what more can a guy ask for in a girl.
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