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02/22/2002 Entry: "Lomo back 2 back?"

I'm reading this book by Chloe Rayban - it's from her Back2Back series called Footprints in the sand, cool concept, really. There are two main characters, a guy, Ben, and a girl, Lucy. So one half of the book tells the story from Lucy's point of view. There are some gaps in the story, which will be filled in by reading the other side of the book (The book is two-sided) that tells Ben's story.

It's a typical teenage love story, though. Kinda like Sweet Dreams with a twist of Brit humour. But I'm digging the concept of the two-sided book. Oh yes.

One of many pictures I took with my Lomo cam. It was in one of the many antique stores in Malacca's Jonker Street. Bron took this shot. It doesn't work very well in indoor lighting, so I fool around abit with it. Surprisingly it came out alright, given the fact that the original photo was mostly dark gray - low lighting. What you see here is after I made it almost unrecognizable. Ha.

Replies: 8 comments

you want a digicam and i want a lomo...hmm!!! We both need sponsors ;)

Posted by zOinkster! @ 02/22/2002 06:14 PM GMT

hi..regarding yr old mags right..do u have any Be magazines?it's an aussie one..kindly inform ok...:)

Posted by hunGry... @ 02/23/2002 01:41 AM GMT

Be magazines? I got 'B' magazine - aussie fashion beauty, first issue, err.. and other random issues.

Posted by fuzzy @ 02/23/2002 05:16 PM GMT

haha Pearly.. yes we do!

Posted by fuzzy @ 02/23/2002 05:17 PM GMT

oi i wan them com arts mag........& how da idN tickets?!....hit me back quick......

Posted by arboon @ 02/23/2002 05:27 PM GMT

forum.doxob.com - go there to check out the prices for the iDN tix - as for the mags - i'll keep them for u ok? :)

i haven't spoken to eleana/lynn yet - call u back when i find out..

boons - u planning to extend your stay?

Posted by fuzzy @ 02/23/2002 06:11 PM GMT

yep,those r the mags alrite!"B"..n do u hav any Teen mags?:)

Posted by hungwy @ 02/24/2002 02:33 AM GMT

Teen, err.. nope, don't have those..

Posted by fuzzy @ 02/24/2002 05:20 AM GMT

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