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03/05/2024 Entry: "Hello? Anybody?"

Hello? Anybody?

Sometimes I really feel like taking the shoutbox down - I feel sick and tired, and come online hoping to find some sort of consolation and/or vent and I get all these negative comments I have to read. Hey, it's not like I mind getting negative comments, but 'you have rough skin?'

I didn't know my site was judged/based on how I LOOK. Dumbasses.

So, today. Today was the usual variety mix of endless reading, dinner and dinner. I had two dinners, not that I mind. I finished both the books I bought yesterday, and I'm feeling reflective, the way I usually do after immersing myself in my books. Reflection isn't neccessarily bad, in fact, I think I'm feeling happier today. I haven't been very happy lately.

I'm sick. So today, mom dragged me out of my usual morning coma and took me to the clinic. I was half asleep. The doctor, whom I've been seeing regularly since I was 13, was pretty surprised to see me, because this time my visit wasn't because of some generic flu thing. On Thursday I will begin a series of checkups at the hospital, to determine if I need surgery. Sigh. And mom, knowing how much I hate jabs, took advantage of my semi-coma and told the doc to give me my Hepatitis-B booster jab. Ouch. I've been avoiding that jab for 3 years now, guess I can't hide forever.

Thursday. No way. I'm shoving that out of my mind.

Had my usual dose of Bronson's company today, right after when he finished work and after I woke up for the 10th time today. I was doing basically nothing after the morning clinic visit, apart from drifting in and out of sleep. I turn into a bloody virago when I don't get my sleep. And I should be getting more of that.

I hate proper grammar. I hate sentence structure. I hate complying, but sometimes I do.

Replies: 10 comments

alright whose messing with my gf. grrrrrrrrrrrrr I will hunt you guys down. grrrrrrrrrrr

Posted by Chris @ 03/05/2024 04:10 AM GMT

hey, don't know you well! but i think you look perfectly fine...and your site is great!

oh, & get well soon! =)

Posted by william @ 03/05/2024 04:40 AM GMT

It's probably from people who have too much fucking time on their hands and nothing better to do than to diss people for the hell of it. Screw that.
You take care of yourself sooks, and to hell with the others.

Posted by wooz @ 03/05/2024 04:41 AM GMT

don't worry fuzz, i shall take my old boxers and shove it up the nose of all those who dare to mess with u.

Posted by uncle b @ 03/05/2024 07:35 AM GMT

hey steph, hope you're feeling better soon. Btw, i'm done with the book if you wanna swap, cheer up girl! =)

Posted by p3arLy @ 03/05/2024 09:10 AM GMT

They can take that comment, shine it real nice, turn it sideways, and shove it up their candy-asses!

urm. sorry. overdose of WWF and The Rock.

Posted by Freed Sample @ 03/05/2024 10:19 AM GMT

hope you'll get well soon. some people have too much time on their hands and that makes them dumb asses.

Posted by mandy @ 03/05/2024 02:42 PM GMT

i think even if those dumbasses wanna pick on you, you seem to be able to defend yourself =) plus you also got plenty of friends to back up you *points up*

Posted by Joyce @ 03/05/2024 04:26 PM GMT

Surgery? Uhm .. what surgery? *scratch head*. Hoi .. who is bullying fuzzy!? Want to takow now ah?! Oh wait .. pots should be doing this, not me *runs and hide*

Posted by Jamie @ 03/06/2024 12:15 AM GMT

hey,wats wrong wif u fuzz?hope u gt well soon...everything sounds pretty serious...ru sure ure ok?

Posted by booinkers @ 03/06/2024 12:30 AM GMT

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