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03/19/2002 Entry: "AFV4!"
I actually did a mockup of the 'new' redesign I am doing, but now that I'm done with it, I just decided I hate it and will be starting a new one. It does look a little shitty. *shrug* Take a look before I delete it! Err, it should be gone by tomorrow.
Replies: 3 comments
hmm...i kindda like the colour... striking, but i think it will cause some eye damage after staring for too long. LOL!!
oh... i didnt know that anyone would visit my site, considering the lack of promo. thanks for visiting. very nice of you to mention it in that ZONEDESIGN (i didnt know till Josh told me) ];)
methinks thy new layout doth poke me very eyes. bright colors doth hide the words that maketh a blog. Sticketh thou to thy current pattern, for it is good, and warmeth the soul.
erm... what the f*cketh doth me scribble here?
Posted by freedsample @ 03/19/2002 07:07 PM CST
What happened to your tagboard steph? You took it out? Btw...was just gonna say you look great on that new cam pic =]
Posted by p3arLy @ 03/20/2002 01:46 AM CST