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03/25/2002 Entry: "BRB BRB"
You're "brb". You're always busy, you don't have time for people. What internet slang are YOU? | by brit
Oh yes. Don't shoot me for that if I don't have time to reply your IMs/ICQ msgs. But I usually do anyway, so that's ok. But I thought that was an interesting quiz.
I hafta wake up really early tomorrow and join the morning traffic heading to the city. Oh joy. I have to get my ass to the NZ High Comm to sort out some things, make a stop at Lot 10 to pick up mom's err, bedsheers that I'm supposed to buy for her, and make a mad dash to see Bron at the hospital before he checks out. All that before noon, too.
Oh man, I usually only get up past noon.
Food intake for today.
4oz steam salmon with lemon juice 150g NZ beef strips with teriyaki sauce and egg tofu Ribena 7-up Light 1 McChicken More teriyaki beef/egg tofu Ribena Ribena Ribena Bowl of cereal with raisins and milk @ 9pm
I seem to like Ribena alot. And I have wierd habits of eating food at the wrong time. Like cereal at night. And meat for breakfast. And burgers for tea. And that's only today. Hahaha, can you imagine what I eat every other day? Don't.
So, in conclusion, aside from having screwed-up sleeping habits, I also have screwed-up eating habits. Yay, me.
Oh, I'm also a screwed-up birthday-rememberer. I forgot Sharon's birthday, so, HAPPY BELATEDNESS TO SHARON! <3! Thank God for 'belated birthday' eCards from Hallmark!
I might have a screw loose somewhere. Hiaks!
Replies: 4 comments
I LOVE RIBENA. *sob* i miss it so much. hmmm maybe they still sell it here. *fingers crossed*
Posted by Chris @ 03/26/2002 01:17 AM GMT
Posted by Snickers @ 03/26/2002 01:59 AM GMT
another ribena freak.. lol. it rules!!
Posted by mandy @ 03/26/2002 01:17 PM GMT
Yay for us Ribena Berries!
Posted by fuzzy @ 03/27/2002 01:01 AM GMT
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