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03/27/2002 Entry: "Player of Games!"
 Player of Games!
Today was a hectic day. I actually overslept. Hehe.
I meant to get out of bed at 8 am, so I asked mom to wake me up before she left for work, but when I finally woke up on my own, it was 9 am. I called mom at work and asked her why she didn't wake me up, but she told me she did, apparently I told her I'd change my mind and wanted to sleep in.
Oh man. The things I unconciously say when I need sleep.
So I had to make a mad rush to the photoshop to take the instant passport-sized pictures I needed (I forgot about them yesterday..) then rush down to Menara IMC in KL to submit a bunch of stuff. I was on time, luckily, and even managed to make it to Lot 10 and get those bedsheets for mom before 11 am.
I got to the hospital at 11 am, rushed in to see Bron and he checked out about 1 pm. I slept the rest of the day till maybe dinner. I was so tired.
When I got home, there was a nice surprise waiting for me though. My friend Patrick bought me the Player of Games and it's finally arrived! I can't wait to read it after what he told me about that book. He even threw in some German club flyers. Ooh. Thanks Patrick! :)
Will scan them later. I just added two more to the Malaysian gallery. One's an Exclusive Invite to the Morales @ Empo one and the other's a Media Pass to KENT Gate2K. Also added somemore flyers from NYC. Check them out.
Hehe. Funny tasteless link for today: Infrequently Asked Questions: Sex
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