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03/27/2002 Entry: "Bad Water"

Bad Water

I had a strange dream last night. The world is full of dirty rusty water. It's partly true, I will testify to that.

I woke up and the first thing I did was head down to my garden and opened up my water filter. It was disgusting. The filter was covered in a combination of rust-slime which clung to my skin like some kind of brown gooey lotion. I managed to wash most of it off, but when I was done with it my filter was still brownish and I couldn't do more anything about it. This is the second time I've washed it in a week.

So can you imagine the amount of rust we consume in our unfiltered water everyday? The same water we drink, cook with, bathe with and wash with? Ugh. I'm just glad I have a filter. I'm thinking of installing three more in a row just to keep the filth out.

The water that leaves the dam or whatever source it comes from is probably clean and filtered. My guess is that the rust comes from the water going through all those pipes to reach us. And by the time it gets to us, there's probably 2% of rust in it. A filter like mine takes out that 2% of rust, and why it's so damn dirty is because alot of water goes into my house.


I'm gonna go out now and buy a whole bunch of filters to replace the one I've just washed. I hate dirty water.

Wanna know how to write a better blog? :) I'm out. Hope you enjoyed the article.

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