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04/15/2002 Entry: "Updates"

Past two days have been crazy.

I thoroughly enjoyed Friday night at Atmosphere, music was fab, I danced till my toes hurt, and they're still hurting. I even wore trainers for once in anticipation of good music and all the dancing, but I still somehow managed to hurt my toes. Urgh. Met Jamie and Shirley there, didn't know they were coming so it was a nice surprise. Good turnout that night, most of my friends were present except for my girlfriends, they are having their final weeks in college - bet they're very busy, too. I went to Emporium for a short while, Mario Piu was playing there, but the music was too hardcore for my taste.

The laser lights at Atmosphere was funky. I wish they'd put those up more often, and I also realized - how come the laser lights are only ever in green? Blue would be oh so cool.

I had another Flaming with Alex and his friend. Heh. I only had one though. Party was good, let's do it again sometime.

Saturday night marks my official one year with Bronson - we went out for a superb dinner at Bangkok Jam before watching Resident Evil. He gave me another two WWF toys (whee!) so now I have a pair of baby tigers and a pair of baby cheetahs. Love them to bits! They are really the cutest things.

Resident Evil, what can I say? The movie was very nicely done, Bron says it'll look a whole lot better if I've played the game (he has) - Patrick told me it was worth watching and it is. Scared the hell out of me though, and the beginning didn't really make much sense till later in the movie. Milla Jovovich is a babe. Michelle Rodriguez? I think she looked alot better in The Fast and the Furious, and of course being next to the delectable Vin Diesel helps as well.. (heh!) Vin Diesel = yum.

It's official, I'll be leaving Malaysia mid-June to continue my studies in New Zealand. I've been accepted into the final year, so I'm off. Semester starts in July. Haven't told alot of my friends yet though, figured if they read this site they'll find out from me here.. will let you guys know when I see you? I have been extremely busy for the past few days. This blog will still remain, my contract with my host ends in December, but I will be back by then for summer hols to renew it. I'm not going very far online.

Another news, this Saturday (20th April) I will be selling my handmade Swarovski crystal jewelry at Bangsar Shopping Centre's Flea Market. I have a stall there. Thing starts at 9 am - 6 pm. Come say hi if you're in the vicinity (and maybe buy some stuff, too.. hiaks!)

Have fun voting, sorry it took me so long.

Replies: 8 comments

NZ? :(

That's it, I'm booking you for the rest of MAY!!!! :(
You still comin' with me to Melb? *crosses fingers*

Posted by wooz @ 04/15/2002 05:56 AM GMT

AUT?.I love new zealand.i miss new zealand..trade places?

Posted by BabyAn @ 04/15/2002 10:29 AM GMT

Heh... I still want those Crystals! Too bad im here in Singapore! Cis

Posted by LuC @ 04/15/2002 01:17 PM GMT

Hey, do keep the site up when you're in NZ. Love reading your blogs

Posted by Angeline @ 04/15/2002 11:33 PM GMT

tiff, hate to tell you, but looks like my flight will be:


No Melbourne :( sigh.. mom and grandma wanna see my uncle so I got out-voted. Tell you more later.

LuC, I'll be in Singapore next week, hiaks. If you win I can deliver personally (ehehehe)

Angeline, aww :) Thanks! :)

Posted by fuzzy @ 04/16/2002 12:20 AM GMT

just curious, where did you learn to make beaded jewelry? i've been wanting to learn.

other than that, good luck on this next step ie furthering your studies in NZ =)

Posted by Joyce @ 04/16/2002 05:18 PM GMT

Lets see if i can Beg Votes from people.. ahahah UNFORTUNATELY i'll be back in school next week!!! bad timing! LOL

Posted by LuC @ 04/16/2002 11:55 PM GMT

joyce, err.. learn by looking at other people's work. Really. Hehee. Not that hard, you know.

Posted by fuzzy @ 04/17/2002 01:39 AM GMT

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