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04/17/2002 Entry: "A Daily."
Whee. I've made another ton of jewelry today - I can't feel my fingers. Typing this is a really wierd experience for me because the keyboard feels funny. I got superglue all over my fingers. Sigh. It's like an extra layer of skin, you know? Bet you've had superglue on your hands before. I usually scrape it off with a blade (hehe) but I'm too lazy to be bothered this time round.
Things are looking good for me. In another couple of days I'll have my student visa. My ticket is still tentatively confirmed on the 19th of June. I'm stopping over in Brisbane before heading to NZ because mom and grandma wants to see my uncle. It's good because I'll be able to hang out with Jin and Roy, both of them are staying in Brisbane now.. and it's bad because I want to go to Melbourne to see Sharon and Irene, both of them will kill me when they find out I'm headed to NZ. I haven't told them, don't know if they read my blog regularly. I haven't gotten any colorful e-mails from either of them yet, phew.
Good news is, since I'm stopping over in Brisbane before I head to NZ, and I'm buying a return ticket, I'll have to stop by somewhere in Australia before heading back to KL. Since I've got a one year open ticket, I can stop by Sydney or Melbourne for a couple of days/weeks before coming home. Good thing. Sydney in summer (Dec) is brilliant, I'll probably go there. Heh.
And, I've finally gotten my..?
Shit. I just lost my train of thought. Be back later.
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