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04/22/2002 Entry: "They took my sunnies, shit."
Reasons why I haven't updated: 1. I was too busy 2. I am tired 3. My car got broken into
A shitty ending to a reasonably pleasant weekend. The flea markets was fun - I met a couple of you guys who decided to drop by and say hi. Kikco came and picked up his prize. Merv and Azuan decided to pop by and kacau me (hehe) and Pearly dropped by as well. The whole day was kinda boring, but business picked up later in the afternoon and I did okay. I don't know if anyone else came by - hehe.
Needless to say I was dead dog tired the whole of Saturday due to not getting enough sleep the previous night. Yeah I know, shouldn't have gone out to Atmosphere on Friday night. Pfft. Anyway did you guys hear about the drug raid at Emporium about 2:30 am on Friday night? Good thing I wasn't around. I have so far managed to go through about 5 year's worth of clubbing without having to experience a raid. Touch wood. Yes, you. Anyway, they brought dogs and reporters and no one was allowed out without doing a urine test.
Not that I've ever touched that shit.
Anyway, Azuan told me that he's leaving KL on May 3rd for a holiday. I'm coming back from Singapore May 2nd, and he's leaving the day after, and the day after that on the 4th, I think Tiff'll be back here. Urgh urgh. And he's coming back sometime in July (I think?) after I leave.
Blah you, Az.
Saturday night, went for Wei Lynn's birthday and then to Viva/Chill for about 20 mins. About to colapse from exhaustation, so Bron drove us back to his place. I KO-ed till the morning.
Got woken up because Bron's brother noticed my car side window has been smashed. They took nothing but my road tax (which has been just recently renewed like a week ago) and my Gucci sunnies from my glove compartment. They left everything else alone. Fuckers.
At least they didn't touch my MAC stuff. Pfft.
So today I spent most of the day trying to get sleep, making a police report, fixing my window and basically trying not to get too pissed off. Replacing my side window cost me 150 bucks.. and I'm lucky enough to find a place that's open and able to fix it on a Sunday.
Because of my tint, the poor bastards had to hit the window twice before it gave way. At least now I know those guys who tinted my car were not bullshitting me when they said it can take up to a certain amount of force/whatever before it breaks - and my tint didn't break, the glass shattered so it just kinda collapsed in one whole wonky piece.
They took my sunglassess!!! GRRRR!!!
I'll be extremely busy tomorrow and Tuesday, and will be leaving for Singapore on Wednesday morning. Die die. Got to go kautim my visa somemore, plus got to go JPJ and fix my fan belt coz it's making funny noises.
Replies: 10 comments
At least they didnt take your MAC stuff.
Posted by Justin @ 04/22/2002 06:23 AM CST
sorry to hear about the break in, sooks :/
unca azuan wil be back mid-June,don't fret. And I'll be back soon, yay! :) *hug*
Posted by wooz @ 04/22/2002 08:56 AM CST
Aiks, car got broken into? Aiyoohh, bad luck!
Nemind, nemind, supposed to go yum char right, Fuzz? I belanja you. :)
Uzikins, aiyah, I come back in mid-june and Ah Fuzz already in NZ checking out all the happening places (heh, pun intended) whilst you some more going for holiday after I come back.
Posted by Az1 @ 04/22/2002 09:25 AM CST
wooz, in other words, all three of us won't be able to get together at the same time and bully azuan lepak. hehehehe.
Posted by fuzzy @ 04/22/2002 10:07 AM CST
Erh... Did you drop by a cemetary recently?
Eh? No reason. Just curious.
Posted by ronnie @ 04/22/2002 12:13 PM CST
Ah shitz. Why timing so teruk wan?! :(
Posted by wooz @ 04/22/2002 06:18 PM CST
Cars getting broken into.. kinda rampant nowadays. I know of another friend who had the same predicament as you.. only that it occurred in front of his own house. Three other cars in the same neighbourhood suffered the same fate.(!!)
Posted by Strizzt @ 04/22/2002 07:45 PM CST
hey..thanks for the "prize"...
Posted by kikco @ 04/22/2002 08:25 PM CST
a cemetary? ofcoz not!!
Posted by fuzzy @ 04/22/2002 11:50 PM CST
let me find out who mess with my gf stuff. I ripped his head off.....his teddy bear. *grin*
Posted by Chris @ 04/23/2002 03:01 AM CST