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04/25/2002 Entry: "Sigh"

Singapore is shit.

I lost my handphone today - some ass stole it from my bag, and even I can't figure out how he did it, because it was early in the morning and not many people were around.. and definately no one bumped into me or anything.. sigh.. so now I can't really be contacted unless.. sigh, I dunno. I am extremely upset, and I don't even have the bloody mood to shop.

The trip down was okay, customs didn't check my bag - and we got through without a glitch. Am considering coming back on Monday instead of Thursday now, I think dad's not too happy about me losing my phone.

Not to mention I just lost my car road tax and sunglasses less than a week ago.


I am still insisting, Singapore sucks.

I have to go, blogging from Fay's laptop at her place. Cya later.

Replies: 6 comments

If you knew how that guy stole your handphone, you wouldn't have lost it now, would you?

Hey didja get the phone serial number? I heard you can block your phone so that it's useless to anyone. Just key in this:


on any handphone and keep the number. Forward it to the service provider and they'll bar the phone remotely. It becomes useless even if another sim card is inserted.

Note: I've read about it but I've never tried this. Never had the need to. Yet.

If you didn't get the serial, too bad, but make sure u get the next one.
Hope this helps.

Posted by ronnie @ 04/26/2002 09:24 AM CST

hey dahlinkz, sorry to hear that the incident spoiled your mood for the rest of the trip.

as for ronnie's comment, you can also get the serial from the manual which came with your phone. that 'lil sticker thingy with the barcodes.

anyway, even if you have the serial and u block the phone, it isn't gonna change anything. the phone's not gonna come back to you..you may feel better knowing that the prick or anyone else could use it anymore but blah, still no phone. losing it in another country makes blocking harder too 'coz he would've changed the sim card already.

oh and remember to ring up Maxis to bar your service ASAP, coz you have IDD and roaming access.

it does suck anyhow, i know how you feel dahlinkz..been there, done that. *hugz* cheer up k?

Posted by rayz @ 04/26/2002 10:51 AM CST

...losing a hp is a sad thing, especially with all the phone numbers in it... but well, as long as one is unhurt, lets treat it as the translated contonese saying "broken wealth block disaster"...

...look at the bright side... cheers...

Posted by dentkt @ 04/26/2002 12:55 PM CST

cheer up + hope that prick that flicked your phone develops brain tumors.

have a safe trip back.

Posted by ubi kentang @ 04/26/2002 01:05 PM CST

I know how you feel. When I was in KL, some bastard stole my mobile from my locker in HELP.

Posted by Mandy @ 04/26/2002 04:32 PM CST

dont let these things spoil ur mood. cheer up.... u're lucky that u're unhurt. look things at a brither view. :) everyone prays for you. take care....

Posted by blossy @ 04/27/2002 12:54 AM CST

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