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04/30/2002 Entry: "Pick-up Lines and Interesting Links"

Pick-up Lines and Interesting Links

One pick-up line that caught me totally unaware:

I was walking at Raffles toward the exit when this caucasian couple asked if I would take a picture for them.. I obliged. Two seconds after I was done taking their picture, another two guys approached me and asked if I could take a picture of them too. I did.

And then they introduced themselves, these two Qantas stewards, and one of them wanted to take a picture with me.. he had a digital camera, and after some 'oh c'mons' I gave in - and then 5 seconds later, one of them said to me..

"I'll e-mail this to you!"

No shit. What a way to get a girl's e-mail address. Of course I wanted that picture (Since he showed me the preview bit and I looked nice in it!) so I think I just got suckered into giving him my e-mail address. He gave me his, too - as well as his Sydney mobile number, like I'm ever gonna call him.

One more reason to get that digicam!! ^.^

On another totally unrelated topic, please check out Moodstats - it's done by the guys at Kaliber 10000 and it's really fun!!

Here's their description of Moodstats:

Moodstats is an application that allows you to quickly record & rate how your day has been in six different categories. You can also attach comments to these values to further illustrate why your moods are the way they are.

After you've entered at least three days of data into the program, Moodstats springs into action and begins to generate multi-colored graphs & statistics showing you exactly how your moods have been over the last week, month, two months, six months or year.

Hiaks. Faster go check it out.

Also, some other bits of cool interesting design-related stuff I found online:

May 1st Reboot - there should be some spanking new designs up by this time tomorrow by all participants of the reboot. Yay.

And also, a Stiff Competition is exactly what it sounds like - a condom package design competition (snigger!) - the winning design will be produced by Planned Parenthood. Anyone *up* for it? Unfortunately, the deadline is tomorrow..

I'm out for now.

Replies: 1 Comment

If the steward were cute...send them my way ehhehe.

Posted by Chris @ 05/01/2024 01:54 AM GMT

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