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05/03/2024 Entry: "JPJ"

Gosh, I've been updating loads haven't I?

Freaking line at the JPJ place today was hell. I got there at 11:30 - and they shut down the queue for the ticket. You have to get a ticket with a number on it and wait till they call you.. so since it was Friday and it's a muslim country, they had Friday Prayers, and I had to go back at 2:45 - one of the longest waits ever!

At 2:30 I went back there only to see about 100 people queuing ahead of me to get a ticket, and when I finally got mine, I had to wait another hour till it got to my turn. I left the place at 4pm.

I basically spent my whole day there doing absolutely nothing and I also had to pay RM 50 to get a copy of my road tax. God, I'm tired.

Some friends of mine are headed up to Genting tonight, don't think I'll join them. I just made garlic chicken mash potatoes for Bron and I'm on my way out to his place for dinner.

I'll post the recipe tonight. Trust me, it's good.

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