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05/04/2024 Entry: "Masturbate for $$$!"

If you're in Toronto, check out their fourth annual Masturbate-A-Thon - get $$$ for masturbating - eh? What else will people think of?

Oh. Right, a recipe. I was suppose to post one up for fun - here it is.

Whipping Cream

So.. peel and dice the potatoes, boil them in lots of water with about 2 teaspoons of salt, drain, add butter and whipping cream bit by bit till you get the texture you want, more cream = softer mash.. and.. MASH IT! Whee!

Now, wasn't that simple? I like to experiment with that basic recipe and add other stuff into my mash, like bacon, chicken and garlic. Not all at once, of course.

I'm hungry.

I just got back from club-hopping with my girlfriends. We went to Bliss first, because everyone else was there, then to Atmosphere, Emporium and Beach Club. In that order. I like not having to pay for cover charges. They're a rip-off. Pretty interesting night, didn't drink more than 2 glasses of bourbon and coke, more coke than bourbon. Pfft.

I miss going out with Elaine, Yen Li and Eleana. They're a fun bunch.

People who had guts to approach us:

Michael, a footie guy from Hong Kong. Offered JD and Coke. Tried and failed miserably. Hiaks. He has a nice body though, really big guy. All his friends are bald, and built. Beefcake-oes.

Terence whatshisname, 30-something older man, offered champagne (!!) No thanks.

Sunny, err.. whatever. Don't remember much of him. Offered Gin. Eww.

Zee, Sze - dunno how you spell it. Danish, tall, not bad looking, wants to dance. Probably has a bible of pickup lines that he constantly refers to - 'You are the most beautiful thing I've ever seen' is so cliche. Right after that line, he said 'Did I see you in Singapore last weekend?' Riiiight. You did.

Random stranger with blue shirt, offered any drink on the table. Rich, old and married with a girlfriend. Asked if I was interested in creative work, I told him I was leaving for Melbourne in a month, offered me to stay in his house in Chatswood (Sydney) - Wierd.

One more guy was so funny. He was staring at us, walked over to me, was about to say something (I didn't hear him) then some guy walked right between us and he was standing there for a second looking very awkward - then he went off. Mumbled something about mistaken identities. Ooh.

If they know how nuts I can be, they'd probably wouldn't touch me with a 10 foot pole. I present to you, the many bits of fuzz. Hiaks.

'Bits of Fuzz'

Me and Eleana were telling the other two about our adventures in Singapore and how we got San Yen and Joey drunk. The ride back home was a huge laugh. And I'm sleepy.

Wonder why I'm online.

Anyone going for the Salem event @ Atmosphere tomorrow night? Heard it's the biggest thing in four months in KL. Should be good.

Replies: 7 comments

u missed out sexy fuzz! :o)

Posted by M @ 05/04/2024 05:49 AM CST

too bad im not in malaysia, atmosphere sounds like a load of fun!!

try these;

clubber fuzz!
insomniac fuzz!
cheesy fuzz!
sexy sexy fuzz!
lingerie fuzz! (haha j/k)

i like your updates

Posted by M @ 05/04/2024 05:51 AM CST

u r 2 funny!

Posted by chi ling @ 05/04/2024 01:19 PM CST

you forgot **** ***** fuzz between the legs, jawohl samurtha!

Posted by insomniac @ 05/05/2024 11:07 PM CST

nice censors, lemme do it again,
you forgot s1ut b1tch fuzz between the legs, jawohl samurtha!

Posted by insomniac @ 05/05/2024 11:10 PM CST

wtf is a jawohl samurtha?

Posted by fuzzy @ 05/06/2024 10:22 AM CST

hey. thanks for the recipe. i love mashies!

Posted by mary @ 05/06/2024 02:40 PM CST

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