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05/16/2002 Entry: "Not so private"
 Not so private
Whats with all the voyeur shit nowadays anyway? 5 out of 10 forwarded e-mails I've gotten in the past 3 days have been of the hidden camera kind, where people take pictures of other people making out, having sex and what not.. I must say, it's pretty interesting to see what these people get up to. Most of them are local.
And this being a Muslim country, where their religion is held in high regard officially, there are still one or two of them (or maybe more than that!) that.. do not follow religious laws. FYI, like most religions, sex before marriage is not 'encouraged'.

These people have balls doing it in broad daylight in an outdoor park. At least find someplace more private, where there's no chance of some wierdo with a camera watching you, innit? Anyway, my point is, to avoid this, just don't do it.
If these pictures belong to you, drop me a line and I'll take them down.
I've gotten alot more than just this.. and these pictures are considered pretty 'mild'.. you name it, I've received it - husbands screwing their maids, office workers in the copy room, even teenagers in motels (lots of these kind for some reason) and people doing it in toilets, parks, changing rooms.. there are also some with obviously 'set-up' cameras, where the images look like the camera's been covered. Worst one I got was of a UM student with her boyfriend in Istana Hotel, they filmed themselves and it got on the internet. Pretty gross stuff, I'm not putting them up. That reminds me of the Libby Hoeler story.
And then there are some cameras in women's changing rooms and toilets, so next time you take your bra off, just check to make sure there isn't a camera hidden somewhere. The internet is a good thing, but as you probably know.. anything that goes online is accessible by anyone, anywhere. It's no longer 'your's, no longer private.
You knew that.
Anyway, I've finally gotten myself a digital camera! I'm really happy with it, the battery's charging now because I just brought it back, but it's really cool to finally have one - I've been taking pictures of my WWF toys and a bottle of Virgin Purple.
Yay, me.
Replies: 16 comments
how much how much???
Posted by xes @ 05/16/2002 03:20 AM GMT
yay another digicam person on the loose. When are YOU setting up your hidden voyeur spot ? haha
Posted by ronnie @ 05/16/2002 09:55 AM GMT
its a nikon 885, 3.2MP..came with a free kodak CF 128mb - err.. 1.7K?
No voyeur for me thanks! :)
Posted by fuzzy @ 05/16/2002 11:43 AM GMT
all i have to say to these ppl - GET A ROOM! heehee
Posted by grace @ 05/16/2002 01:02 PM GMT
Yeah I've been getting a lot of recirculated local pr0n myself in the past couple of days!
And... NICE camera you got there! *seethe*
Posted by Nael @ 05/16/2002 01:39 PM GMT
Haha,these ppl r the worst.As my fren alwiz claims "ATAS TUTUP,BAWAH BUKA!!!" Hilarious...brainless to b doing such stuff in public!~
Posted by blink @ 05/16/2002 02:12 PM GMT
Unfair!! I want those pics too! haha
Posted by Jason @ 05/16/2002 04:06 PM GMT
they probably think it is cool. anyways, yay ! heh digicam rawks. 'nuff said :P
Posted by evan @ 05/16/2002 10:40 PM GMT
*jaw dropped* This is insane. I mean, seriously, this is happening in M'sia? Man, I need to keep up with things...
Posted by Angeline @ 05/16/2002 11:34 PM GMT
I've seen those pics before on 2 different sites. Can't remember the sites though, it's been too long. First is an indonesian site saying that those are indonesian youths. The second is a malaysian site claiming those are malay youths. Hmmm...the wonderful world wide web
Posted by peter @ 05/17/2002 01:43 AM GMT
digicam is cool. how much?
i gotta say them voyuer pics are kindda sick ler... but interesting. you are offering to remove the pics if they contact u? hell, those fellas dont look like they know shit bout internet ler.
Posted by brokenwing @ 05/17/2002 10:53 AM GMT
brokenwing, just in case, i don't wanna get nailed for distributing them, although i did blur out the face a bit - the originals were damn clear.
angeline, much more than u know! :)
blink - HAHAHHAA!!!
Posted by fuzzy @ 05/17/2002 11:16 AM GMT
Can't believe that's happening in Malaysia!.well duh of course it happens..but you really wouldnt think..
Posted by Su @ 05/20/2002 11:04 PM GMT
UITM students by the Shah Alam lake. i see you left out the other four frames... and did you do that pixelated thingie cuz my forward was bare all :D
Posted by teddybwear @ 05/21/2002 01:44 AM GMT
censorship reasons.. lol
Posted by fuzzy @ 05/21/2002 12:30 PM GMT
kinda hard to imagine someone with tudung will do that.. what's that? touching balls?.... afterall, muslims are also human beings, right? *sarcastic* hehe. but they should have the brain to find a proper place to do such things.
Posted by mandy @ 05/23/2002 03:41 PM GMT
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