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05/20/2002 Entry: "Zippy"

My room is in such a mess because I've been digging everything out of spaces I've never seen before. It's tough trying to pack, and I've gotten no further than just putting all my stationery in one box. I'm a slow and tedious packer, hiaks.

Today I'm retiring my RM15 keyboard and finally investing in a more expensive useful portable keyboard. I saw a cute small silver thing at Megamall which I promised myself I'd get. Yay. I wonder if a better keyboard will improve my typing skills.. eeee.

Decided to listen to Jamie and buy a monitor when I get to NZ. Hope my luggage won't be overweight.. sigh.

Can you read Sign Language? I only got 5 out of 9 correct. Pah.

Replies: 5 comments

jamie's right, girl. don't lug your monitor all the way. when my bag went overweight when i came back to US last yr, i got charged USD109!!!

Posted by grace @ 05/20/2002 01:00 PM CST

jamie's right, girl. don't lug your monitor all the way. when my bag went overweight when i came back to US last yr, i got charged USD109!!!

Posted by grace @ 05/20/2002 01:01 PM CST

Haha, i paid my freight forwarded AUD$550 to lug all my stuff back from Australia when I decided to come back for good. Madness .. I spent a month packing to come home.

Posted by Jamie @ 05/20/2002 04:21 PM CST

fuzz, you can always pass the monitor to me for "safe keeping". lol

Posted by potatoe @ 05/20/2002 06:04 PM CST

jamie, grace - OMG! hope that doesn't happen to me :)

pots - you wish! hehe..

Posted by fuzzy @ 05/21/2002 12:20 AM CST

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