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05/21/2002 Entry: "ResHack-ing ICQ"
I soooo hate the ads in ICQ 2002a - it was much easier getting rid of them in my previous version. I managed to crop the recieved message screen using ResHack - but I can't seem to find the other dialog. OK, actually it's there - under icq.exe/dialog/2507/1033 - but the whole thing seems to be nested in another window that I can't locate anywhere. It isn't the dialog in the ICQate32.dll file either, because I edited that and it didn't make a difference.
Also, it took me bloody forever to locate the dialogs in ICQ 2002a - in the previous version of ICQ that I used, everything was located in the ICQCore.dll file, this time round there's no ICQCore.dll file, and I had to open every single file manually to look for it, only to find they hid it in the ICQ.exe file.
Anyway I think I've just about given up on this unless someone out there can help me figure it out. Blah.
I've scanned some pictures!
Replies: 7 comments
heheh Great pics Steph... joel is mega cute without glasses. *grins* but then no competition to you!
Posted by Chris @ 05/21/2002 03:44 PM CST
why dont you use icq2001b instead? i have the crack for that :P i think 2002a is still quite new. ehhe if you want, i could upload both the icq prog and the patch as well for u.
Posted by eth0 @ 05/21/2002 05:30 PM CST
etho, thanks, but im not looking for a patch - im looking for a way to edit the dialog boxes in icq via the resource in the .dll or .exe or .ocx files :) i've already gotten rid of the ads.. just wanna make the window smaller so it looks nicer..
me = perfectionist :\
chris YES HE DOES!
Posted by fuzzy @ 05/22/2002 02:16 AM CST
wtffffff puchong got tesco??????
Posted by xes @ 05/22/2002 05:04 AM CST
tesco is huge!
Posted by Jamie @ 05/22/2002 03:26 PM CST
yalor xes, p[uchong got huge tesco.. damn 9 big one. hiaks! two more opening soon somewhere in damansara and err.. dunno lar..
Posted by fuzzy @ 05/22/2002 04:29 PM CST
hey hey, why not try to find s/ware ~ adkiller ICQ to dump out all of the ads??!!
Posted by geo @ 05/29/2002 11:44 AM CST