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05/22/2002 Entry: "Makeup vs. Football! :)"
My internet connection is about to die from fatigue, this afternoon I just uploaded about 10MB worth of hi-res images for my girlfriends and now I'm about 3MB into a 13MB download of windows updates. 10MB more to go, wonder if I'll have the patience to wait it out. I want cable! Gimme cable!
I so so so envy you with the ADSL connection. *smack ADSL-ers*
I just got my weekly M.A.C. e-mail, this one telling me about the new Try-On Pacs. I so want one. In fact, everytime I visit that page I end up with a list of things I need/want/have to have.. and most of the time I end up forgetting about it. This was my last list:
Studio Tech - NC30 Full Coverage Foundation - NC30 Face and Body Foundation - C2 Select Cover Up - NC25 Brush 266 Small Angle Brush 190 Foundation Brush Eye Kohl - Teddy Face Powder - NC30 Mascara X - Black X Small Velvet Eye Shadow - Smut Oil Control Lotion Pro Eye Makeup Remover Moisture Feed/Skin EZR
Problem with this particular brand of cosmetics is, I can get a discount.. so that's a big plus when deciding what brand to buy.. and M.A.C. happens to be my favourite brand anyway.. so getting it cheap is a bonus.
If you've never used M.A.C.'s foundations before, they are possibly the best I've tried (and I've tried tons of brands from all the shows I've done) - Most makeup artists I've encountered use the Full Coverage Foundation for catwalk/photo shoots because it's almost opaque and it difuses light very well. Definately not for daily use. I use M.A.C.'s Studio Matte for that. It's really smooth, wears well, blends well - I've already been through 3 tubes of it. Studiofix is also good for quick touch ups, but it's not as wearable because it's foundation and powder in one - kinda 'thick' for daily use.
I want Studio Tech because it's new and it's cream-based liquid in a compact. Their brushes are amazing and their Mascara X is really really good. It doesn't clump and it stays put. I'm really picky about mascara because I have short lashes and chinese eyes, and I wear contact lenses so it's hard for me to find a good mascara that doesn't irritate me and smudge all over. Maybelline's Volum Express waterproof mascara is also good, plus it's cheaper. Maybelline also came up with Mascara Base which you put on before your mascara, it's got fibre and binds to your lashes, and when you put your mascara on after that it doesn't feel stiff. Not out in Malaysia yet, I got mine in Singapore.
M.A.C.'s Moisture Feed is also amazing. I think I'm gonna pick one up before I leave because my skin is gonna dry out in the cold weather and peel. It always does. Peeling skin = big no no.
My No.1 fave M.A.C. product is still the clear Lipglass. Can't live without it. Really.
I wonder if my male readers are bored yet. OK.. I'll spare you the rest of my rant and write about something more unisexual.. (is that even a word?)
Bron wants to take me to watch the Brazil vs. Malaysia match this Saturday. I wonder if I should go. Malaysia will definately take a trashing, but these games are fun to go to anyway. Bron's already taken me to the Manchester Utd. vs. Malaysia match and it was amazing to see all these people so crazy over football. The cheering was delirious and I wondered who they were supporting - the home team or the other team that they idolize. I'm neutral, just there to see the game.
World Cup 2002.. whee!
Don't get me wrong, I'm not exactly your biggest footie fan ever, for me it's just another sport, but I like watching sport, as opposed to participating in it.. I'm not a very sporty person either.. although I used to play street hockey seriously and rollerblade like mad. I've also picked up my fair share of injuries and scars from street hockey, it's not exactly the most gentle game in the world. I used to be such a tomboy. I bullied other boys. Hiaks. And I busted both ankles, twice on my left one, grazed my elbows and knees because knee pads were such irritating things, sprained a wrist, got hit in the thigh by a stray hockey puck and had a big-ass briuse as a result and tore a muscle. I think that's about all the sport I played.. unless you consider playing netball during P.E. lessons and roller-basketball a sport.
Does anyone remember a roller rink in Sungai Wang called Spinning Wheels? I know it was aeons ago since it closed, but I used to go there when I was 13/14, ever Saturday no fail just to skate. This was right before I discovered rollerblades. I used to go there with my cousin Sze Wei who was a year older than me, and some of her friends. We would take a bus down about 11am just to skate. Spinning Wheels was THE hangout back then, I even know some people who are almost 30 now that used to go there. I think it was open for like 10 years. I wonder what made it close. It used to be where Airport (that ugly arcade centre) is now.. on the third floor I think.
Ah, memories like these never fail to make me smile and wonder 'What the hell was I thinking back then?'
Replies: 6 comments
LOL, i got that newsletter too. Just picked up StudioTech from Saks 5th over the weekend. Awesome stuff, love it's creaminess.
Nod...can't live without the lipglass, i swear by the lip conditioner too. Don't quite like its eye makeup remover, doesn't work as well for me, since i love wearing blue mascara. =P
All in all, MAC rocks ;)
Posted by p3arLy @ 05/22/2002 05:22 AM GMT
Yo Fuzzy, If I ran out to the M.A.C. store this weekend and spend a fortune on makeup, I'll have you to blame. *laugh*
Posted by angeline @ 05/22/2002 11:15 AM GMT
pearly, dammit i'm jealous already! have yet the time to go buy it here.. blargh.
angeline, if u ever feel guilty, u can always send the makeup you bought over to me. hahahaha!
Posted by fuzzy @ 05/22/2002 04:31 PM GMT
you've gone M.A.Crazy!
Posted by Justin @ 05/23/2002 07:25 AM GMT
Fuzzy, you and pearly are so not good for me. I just got back from the M.A.C. store and got the Studio Tech in NC35..... and I am officially 30 bucks poorer. Aaargh. ;)
Posted by angeline @ 05/26/2002 08:45 AM GMT
ooh, i'm one shade fairer than thou.. lol.
only 30 bucks? you in the states right.. hmm, i think its rm 100 here.. hopefully i can get staff price for it.. which would be 40% off ..
*evil giggle*
argh, but u and pearly beat me to it.. i still havent had time to get mine yet.
Posted by fuzzy @ 05/28/2002 01:47 AM GMT
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