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05/28/2002 Entry: "Wesak Weekender"

Whoa, didn't know a simple garlic post would raise a discussion storm, but I did enjoy reading your views, thank you for all the comments. Hopefully though, I won't meet anymore people like that woman. But it did make an interesting post.

I was in BSC again selling my Swarovski stuff on Saturday afternoon.. very tiring!

'Some earrings I sell'

'I love crystal :P'

'Bracelets, 3 for RM 30!'

Saturday night was cool. First, me and Bron went to see the Brasil - Malaysia game at Bukit Jalil, and I took a bunch of pictures.. I discovered my digicam can really zoom, and I managed to get a couple of shots of the goal area, unfortunately as with most digital zooms, it's not really clear.


'Almost-goal, first half'

Score was 4-0, not 10-0 as unknowingly reported by Joe - Malaysia did pretty OK defending in the first half, but I think they got worn down by the second half because all 4 goals were scored then.. or maybe Brasil was just not playing competitively.

Right after the game, I went off to Lara's birthday thingie in Casabel's - met up with her family and some friends, had a couple of drinks etc.. then went to Aero to meet up with Bron, Alice, CW etc.. after that we went to Atmosphere, at the time it was about 2+ am already, so the night went on for a while more. Bron bought me a Flaming and I had another Margarita (pfft!) and then we went to the mamak for some maggi mee goreng.

Speaking of food..

I've been on a binge because I'm trying to eat as much of the stuff I like before heading to NZ (Probably a bad move!) I had maggi mee goreng, Ravi's nasi lemak kambing when I yumchar-ed with Tiff on Sunday night, curry mee two days in a row, claypot chicken rice in Lot 10's foodcourt (the best!!) and loads of mamak drinks.

'Claypot chicken rice @ Lot 10'

'Can you say hot?'

I probably need to get some exercise.

My weekend was hella fun.

Today me and Bron went on a mad spree. We went to Lot 10, and I saw this really cute Kookai bag I will probably go back and buy. I bought a pair of Adidas martial arts sneakers with Bron but mine are black and he got the white ones, and I bought him a really nice oxidized silver bracelet for his birthday.. and he bought me the female version! Perlini's has some really nice silver stuff. I so wanted this silver ring, but I don't think I can afford to shop anymore :) I've been spending too much!!

I also bought some leather strings to make jewelry out of, and Bron bought me my wedge heels that his dog chewed up.. LOL.. I'm so happy to have them back again! It was on 50% too, Vincci was having a sale.

'This dog chewed my wedges!'

Watched Penelope Cruz's Woman on Top on Star Movies Sunday night, it reminds me of 'Like Water for Chocolate' but not as good. Has anyone read the book Like Water for Chocolate? It's bloody good. The movie's not as good.

Was gonna update earlier today but my server was experiencing some downtime, so I'm back. It was only for a short while anyway.

Got this from Mellissa:

Where do you LIVE?

I wish.

Replies: 16 comments

Hahaha,... I'm still rolling on the floor in fits from reading all the fuss that was kicked up over your garlic post. gnarly... your jewelery looks awesome! as do your pics. keep it up!

Posted by grim @ 05/28/2002 03:28 AM CST

oh-uh, left something out in my last post. can you mail me some of that curry??...

Posted by grim @ 05/28/2002 03:29 AM CST

Oh No! More malaysian food pix. Gawd. I'm dying here. The claypot chicken rice look sooo good. I am absolutely starving.
First it's Pearly's Satay, then Jamie's Beefball, and now your Claypot Rice, it's pure torture!!

BTW: very nice jewelries. I would definitely buy some if I were back home. :)

Posted by angeline @ 05/28/2002 04:50 AM CST

Mmmmmmm...maggie mee goreng. where is BSC btw?

Posted by killuminati @ 05/28/2002 08:13 AM CST

ARGH! the doggieeeeeeeeeeeee!!!! :)

Posted by grace @ 05/28/2002 11:30 AM CST

dang we are all eating like crazy eh?? nasi lemak yum yumy!

Posted by Chris @ 05/28/2002 03:26 PM CST

grim: what curry? :)

angeline: ehhehe! yeah it does look good eh? i'm gonna take more pics soon so i can look at them when i miss them :\

killuminati: bsc = bangsar shopping center.. and it's in....


grace: *woof*

chris ehhehehehe fat lar! eat so much..

Posted by fuzzy @ 05/28/2002 08:21 PM CST

Hey am interested in ur bracelets.. will u be in bsc again this weekend?? or are they other methods of buying from you just in case i cant make it there?????

Posted by fLin @ 05/28/2002 09:01 PM CST

hey, am interested to buy ur bracelets.. will u be in bsc this weekend?? if i cant make it there, will there be other ways to buy them ar???

Posted by fLin @ 05/28/2002 09:04 PM CST

hey :) what's the contact number to set up a stall in the bazaar? m thinking of setting up a stall :) can you please tell me? thanks!

Posted by manda @ 05/28/2002 09:54 PM CST

That's bron's dog? OMG, it's so adorable!! haha, a pure chick magnet I would say :P

Posted by Jamie @ 05/28/2002 11:06 PM CST

that claypot rice looks yummy .. haha, welcome to the club steph. Gorge on everything or else u'd have to wait for your turn b4 u get back to KL :p

Posted by Jamie @ 05/28/2002 11:09 PM CST

flin, i will be there on the 8th of june :)

manda, give me your e-mail and i'll mail it to ya :)

jamie, that's his sister's dog, his brother has a german shepard and bron's taking care of both since both his bro/sis isn't around..

his name is benji.. and he's really friendly.

hahaha i've been eating non-stop, just came back from ice cream at bangsar.. bumped into potatoe

Posted by fuzzy @ 05/29/2002 01:37 AM CST

foooooood!! :( you make me drool, steph. you little evil thing!!! >:) eat as much as you can before you go to nz. lol. did you just say vincci is having sale?? ;( i wanna go back to malaysia now.

Posted by mandy @ 05/29/2002 09:42 AM CST

thanks, hun :)

Posted by manda @ 05/29/2002 10:49 AM CST

wah 8 june? must wait so long.. *sobsob*

Posted by fLin @ 05/30/2002 10:26 PM CST

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