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06/01/2024 Entry: "Coma-lcohol"
Last night kicked in more ways than one.
We went straight to Atmosphere, where the party was, and dived right in. There was way too much alcohol around. We bought a 200cl bottle, Min's table had 7 magnums (!!!) and Jeff and Alex had 2 magnums. We started drinking pretty early.
Music was good, very nice.. and Bronson came around 1:30am to join us for awhile and pick me up.. but we didn't leave till around 3:30am and for the first time in my entire life, I went out of the club horizontally.
I lost count of my drinks after the 18th glass. Sometime later I went to the toilet and ended up sitting there till my girlfriends found me, and err.. had to carry me out. Hehe. Haven't been that drunk in 4 years, and even then I was still standing.
Wierd experience for me, now I fully understand what it feels like to be plastered. I threw up everything in my stomach, eww.. but for some strange reason I remember everything that happened last night.. I remembered that I made it a point not to lose my memory. Hahaha.. Lucky I had my girlfriends with me.. they took care of me.
Everyone seems to be so amused. They've never seen me like that before, so that was a first.. and there will be no repeat performances for a long time to come, thank you.
I woke up at 9am this morning feeling very okay, no hangover, just very thirsty. Spent the day with Bronson, he sent me back and we watched Studio 54 on VCD. He went back to play football, and we'll be heading down to Nouvo later tonight.
Oh man :)
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