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06/03/2024 Entry: "Incense"
Just discovered an amazingly talented photographer. It's not everyday I come across such an unusual gallery/portfolio of work. Cameron Frost is everything I admire in a photographer.
Lynn and Lai Min bought me a really nice incense burner and some lavender incense which I'm supposed to bring to NZ with me. They're definately coming along, because my wooden one will probably not get through customs. I gotta stock up on my incense sticks, they're probably really expensive in NZ. I buy my hand-rolled ones from this indian store in Subang for about RM 2.50 a pack, and the same thing sells in trendier new age shops for RM 7-9. Bloodsuckers.
However, aromatheraphy oils are really cheap in Aussie. The last time I was in Brisbane I picked up about 30 bottles, because dad wanted some for his friends as well. My dad is really cool. He buys aromatheraphy oils and fragrance oils for me whenever he goes to Melbourne. He is the one who got me hooked on it in the first place :)
Just got back from lunch with the girls.. we had steamboat lunch, ehhehe.. so wierd. Lynn's leaving for Sydney on Wednesday.. I'm gonna miss her :(
Replies: 6 comments
cameron frost *teehee* steph 'kap chai' only lol!...
....i'm getting addicted to your blog :)
Posted by evan @ 06/03/2024 06:49 PM GMT
whoa. cameron frost darn good looking. hehe
Posted by mary @ 06/03/2024 08:38 PM GMT
dark red lips NO GOOD! *shakes head* lol... :P
Posted by evan @ 06/03/2024 09:04 PM GMT
mary, that's the real him. he's not posing as some lengjai. he IS the lengjai. hiaks.
evan, i noticed his photography way before himself.. i thought he was one of 'his' models before i realized it was him :)
he looks pretty gorge, err.. kinda boyband-ish, not quite my type.. but nice anyway!
dark red lips. hahaha. i can NEVER wear lipstick. but i like the pic. i think i look like some chinese elf or something. need to edit my ears and make them pointy.. hehhe
Posted by fuzzy @ 06/04/2024 03:09 AM GMT
Well, his work is very good. Very nicely done. Damn, I wish I could take photos like that.
I had one niggling suspicion, but I confirmed it once I saw his blogrings.
Posted by ronnie @ 06/04/2024 09:21 AM GMT
ronnie, me too. :)
Posted by fuzzy @ 06/04/2024 12:19 PM GMT
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