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06/04/2024 Entry: "Attention"
I so need to get my ass back into gear and start drawing again, but this is such a bad time. I'm so busy - and I'm not even studying right now. This afternoon I was surfing DA and really really itching to start something with my Wacom, but I had to meet up with my friends, not that that was not as fun. Different sort of satisfaction, yanno?
Well, maybe I'll go out tomorrow and take some pictures to draw. I need inspiration but don't we all?
Made a whole ton of jewelry today. I need to buy more 'boards' to pin them on because I'm running out of space. It's good, for me. I also re-stocked my elactic crystal bracelets, now I have alot of blues and purples.. everyone likes those colors. I'm glad I have my crystals to keep me busy when I'm in one of my funky moods -- I never feel like doing anything, so I do monotonous stuff like threading crystal beads.
I'm in a funk again. Help!
This is a poem I wrote sometime in 2000. It's one of those things that just come to you and you have to write it down. It made Daily Poem at DA.. surprising, considering it's the first poem I submitted.
And today I saw a sign that says, "This is where you find Attention" And I went in, and I saw, A whole load of people looking for Attention. Attention seems to be missing, And I waited. I sat. "Attention isn't in today," someone said. And we asked, "When will Attention be in then?" "Attention will be in when he is." he replied. And I waited. I sat. And I left after awhile, the sign was lying, A search began.
Everyday we embark on a neverending search for attention, be it good or bad, and often enough we find it, sometimes in the most unexpected places. This poem was written out without me realizing where it was going or what it meant.. believe it or not! Jsenn from DA was the first to interpret it, and when I read it again, I realized she was right.
No reason for posting that up, but I saw it on DA again today as I was deleting some old stuff and didn't want to leave this to collect dust. I liked it alot, even when i didn't fully understand my concept.
Time for bed.
This website (c) absolutely-fuzzy.com, 2001-2003.