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06/05/2024 Entry: "Bloody hell!"
Bloody hell!
Today has been, for lack of a better description, tiring.
I’ve been feeling tired at all the wrong times lately, perhaps my sleeping habits ARE fucked, but there seems to be no reason for me to rectify that, except maybe if I don’t want to feel so tired during the day. The only good thing is, when night falls, I’m bloody awake – good if I intend to party.. otherwise, I end up staying up late, writing late posts on my blog, and doing nonsensical stuff to burn all that err.. energy.
Energy baby! Hah.
I wish I can blog ahead of time and turn my blog into some sort of organizer, because I hate using a traditional organizer. The one I have is really nice, but it’s also really big and I hate lugging it around with me all the time. If only I had the money to buy a palm. Grr..
Things to do in the next week or so. .Meet up with Tiffany, Diana, Tai, Eleana, Yen Li, Lai Min.. etc etc. .Make sure Tai remembers he owes me a date.. and now, probably dinner. .Dinner with Mark tomorrow night at 8pm. .Collect Atmosphere card from Chandra. .Call Steve from Emporium to see who’s spinning on Friday night. .Collect Emporium cards from Steve. .Round up girlfriends for Friday night. .Round up girlfriends for Saturday night. .Secure interview for dM. .Make sure everything on my end (in dM) is hunky dory before I leave. .Send a zillion notes to dM staffers. .Take Tiffany crystal shopping. .Give Elaine her crystal handphone chain thingie. .Buy lots of crystal for MYSELF!! (To bring to NZ) .Remember to sell jewelry on Saturday. .Remember to pay for booth before selling jewelry. .Yum cha with Fay Yin when she gets back from Singapore. .Return $ to Fay Yin when I see her. .Pack my bags. .Pack my computer at the absolute last minute so I can write a final blog, check my mail and say goodbye to.. no one. Hmm. I guess the internet does make the world smaller. .Pack my scanner. .Buy corkboards from Jusco. .Pack pack pack pack pack. Grr. .Return Pearly’s book. .Take back my shopaholic books from Pearly’s mom.
I’m sure I’ve forgotten a lot more. I have selective memory. It comes in handy when I’m avoiding my chores. Not to be mistaken with amnesia. Amnesia is temporarily permanent, selective memory is not. What am I going on about? :P
OMG that looks like a long list of things to do anyway.. even on selective memory mode. Damn. Better print this post out. I’m so lame.
I woke up early today (12pm!) considering I didn’t actually sleep till about 5-6am. Don’t ask me what I do at night. I don’t know either. Time just seems to fast forward whenever the clock goes past 12 am. Went out to have lunch with Bron, then he took me to the fishing shop to get some nylon coated wires and sleeves. Should’ve bought some hooks too.. for err.. fishing. *evil grin*
Came home right after lunch with intention to catch somemore zzz’s but got distracted by glittering crystals and spent some time playing with them, and ended up with about 6 more bracelets. Then I remembered that I have to make little boxes, because when people buy my jewelry as gifts, they always ask if I have boxes.. so I made boxes. Ended up with only 6, because I got tired and bored of cutting and folding paper. Will enlist Tiffany’s help tomorrow if I can get hold of her. Tiff is good at making boxes, once I teach her how to.. hiaks. Wonder if she’s working. Probably.
By the time I was done with them boxes, it was about 5pm, too late to catch the ever elusive zzz’s.. so I came online to reply e-mails, read blogs and bummed around till about 6pm.
Bron came over for dinner and we had really nice kunyit pulut rice with chicken curry, assam salmon head, onion omelette, and some really really nice juicy mangoes for dessert. Am still stuffed till now.
Went over to Bron’s place with the intention to watch a movie, but got sidetracked by general lethargicness and the South Korea vs. Poland game on Astro. South Korea did really really well and won 2-0. Fell asleep after that.
Came home to find dad watching the Japan vs. Belgium game, at the 90 minute mark with a 2-2 score. Didn’t bother to find out who won.
I swear I’m going right to bed after I hit the ‘post’ button.
Replies: 2 comments
dang girl you are too busy. don't over work yourself girl! *muacks*
Posted by Chris @ 06/05/2024 03:29 PM GMT
that's one hell of a list.
Posted by togaku @ 06/05/2024 11:15 PM GMT
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