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06/06/2024 Entry: "Long postie!"

Long postie!

US trashed Portugal.. I don't know which is more upsetting. I like Portugal. I also like US. Those guys are really BIG. Oh well.

Bron's boss took me to lunch at this really nice Thai place.. and all the food was so damn pedas! I'm definately gonna miss it though, every other restaurant I've been to overseas claims their food to be really hot, but it's not. Nothing beats authentic Asian food.

Dinner last night at Chill was pretty good. Mark seems to know everything on the menu and I had this dish called Seventh Heaven, which is steak stuffed with cheese and smothered in parmesan sauce. Very nice. Their Club Mash is also pretty good because it's got garlic in it, and cheese. Yum.

It also happened to be ladies night at Chill last night, so after 9 pm drinks were free. Cocktail of the night was Tequila Sunrise, which tasted more to me like a Screwdriver, but it was pretty loaded nonetheless. I only had 4, and I was so tired that I ended up falling dead asleep at Bron's living room.. and he was so nice to let me sleep on.. called my mom to tell her I'm staying over.

I woke up when Bron's alarm went off this morning and he left for work.. then I went back to sleep. Heh. I'm such a lazy ass. I'm back now though, and there's alot of things I should be doing but I'm not.

I'm going to eat Bak Kut Teh tonight! I'm going to eat Bak Kut Teh tonight! Yes, it's a very exciting thing for me. I haven't had any since before Tiffany left for Canada, which was about.. 2 years ago? Hehe. I really miss that shit, and I'm definately gonna go have some before I leave.

The Blogger Survey! (A link I stole from Chris who got it some somewhere else..)

Ethics/Personal Life:
Has a blog post ever got you into trouble?
Yeah, once.. some of you might remember the Chee Wah/Diana incident where CW got pissed about me writing something about Diana's accident.. not gonna bitch about it anymore though.

How many people do you know face-to-face who read your weblog?
Err, I know my girlfriends read this, probably my boyf and his friends as well.. and some other friends, Jamie, Pots, Tiff.. Recently Chandra (from Atmosphere) told me that he's read my posts as well.. eep. I'd say 20 or 30? Too many to list out.

Have you met any of your regional (or even remote) bloggers?
Pearly and Justin.. both who are really cool people.

Do you modify or delete posts? How often? Why?
I hardly ever do that, unless there are major typos.

How much is your weblog a part of your personal identity? Do you feel like people who don't know about your blog don't really know you?
I relay most of my thoughts on my blog, but if you don't know my blog, that's ok because there's more to me than just a blog. I am my blog, but there's still a difference between the online me and offline me.

How has blogging changed your life?
Umm. It made it a whole lot easier to communicate, and kills alot of my time. I've also met some really nice people online.. nothing too overly dramatically life changing though!

Do you know how to code at all? Did you learn how to code by blogging?
Yep. I learnt how to code a long time before I discovered blogging.

What weblogging tool do you use and why?
Greymatter. I used to use Blogger, but switched to GM because it resides on my own server. I haven't switched to other tools because I'm happy with my GM and there seems to be no need to fix something that's not broken.

Does the design seem like something that is just something that has to be dispensed with in order to be able to write publicly, or is your design an integral part of your writing and presentation?
Definately the latter, this site was started not as a blog site but more for a place to display my work, and somehow along the way it morphed into a blog.

How many times have you changed your weblog design entirely (or nearly so)?
Three times.

How many people would you guess (educated guess based on hit counts/logfiles) read your weblog on a weekly basis at least?
I get on average 1,200 uniques a week, and 1,500 including reloads.

What have you done to get more people to look at your site?
Err, I joined some webrings and communities.. which are listed on the right.

What one or two characteristics make a blog really popular? Are there things that you could do to have more people read your weblog that you conciously do not do? Why?
Err, a webcam I suppose, and linking all the A-listers.. being part of the 'In' Crowd of blogging.. but I'm not all that much into popularizing my blog. I'm happy where I am.

What really popular weblog do you think most deserves it...and/or least deserves it?
Justin is really funny, and quite the crowd pleaser with all this porn he has :)

How do you feel about your readership? What makes for a quality readership to you?
My readership is great. My readers are somewhat responsive most of the time and give me quality feedback. Good readership is what makes a blog.

Influence of Other Bloggers:
What other blogger is most responsible for you starting your own weblog.
Heather is the one who started me checking out Blogger, so I'd say she's responsible.

Who was the first other blogger (that you know of) who put you on their sidebar, and how did you feel? How did it influence your blogging?
Oh. I really don't know.. it just happened fast for me.. but I'm really happy when someone enjoys my site and links me back. It does drive me to blog more often.

What other blogger do you most admire for her writing skills?
Err, Zia seems to be the most entertaining without trying hard to be.. I always enjoy her posts.

What other blogger do you most admire for her design skills?
Halle, but her site seems to have dissapeared.

Who is a blogger that you think is really good but doesn't get nearly the attention they are worthy of?
This other blogger, Vicky - I've lost her site URL since I reformatted my harddrive, but I got her off one of Justin's links.

Do you feel obligated to have people on your link lists/sidebars that you never read?
I don't have this problem because I only link sites I like. I don't respond to requests. If you leave me your URL somewhere and I really like your site, I'll link you automatically.

What one or two characteristics define a really quality blog (in your humble opinion, of course)?
Accessible layout, easy to read, good posts, nice links?

Bonus Question:
Do you fear The Booge?

Replies: 1 Comment

I'm sure the Vicky you mean is the Vicky at http://loopy.badsamaritan.com She got hosted! :D Still doing good on her posts! :D Should go visit her place sometime. :)

Posted by mae- @ 06/08/2024 07:10 PM GMT

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