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06/12/2023 Entry: "HAPPY BIRTHDAY BRON! <3!"


Fa la la la la! It's Bronson's birthday today! Whee!! My boy is turning one year older! :) MWAHHHH!!

/me <3 Brons!!

Instead of doing the Marilyn Monroe jumping out of the cake thing (Bron doesn't like cake) last night we went for dinner in Paris (in SS2, for those who are familiar with Klang Valley) and I stuffed myself again. *BURP!* Then off to Mont Kiara's Gloria Jeans for more drinks! *BURP!*

I spent the whole entire afternoon with the girls in Midvalley drinking mango juice at Starbucks. Fay Yin and Diana came along sometime in the middle and we had a nice old gossip session. Then we went walking and trying on all kinds of funky clothes for the heck of it. I found this really nice white lace party dress at Topshop which I really like, but unfortunately, I have to spend all my money on Nike ThermaFit clothes instead. Grr. But then again, I hardly ever ever wear dresses. Or skirts.

Nget nget.

I'm a girly girl without the frou frou.

Now that I'm awake and ready to go, I'm off to give Bron some <3! Whee! (I think we're going shopping!)


Replies: 8 comments

Paris restaurant is still alive?? Wait, this is the one uhh, near Yamaha school right? Looks kinda shabby with creaking wooden floor planks? That's the only thing that I can recall of that place when I last went there, but the food is yummy!

Posted by Jamie @ 06/12/2023 01:10 PM GMT

You bought MORE clothings? how are you ever gonna fit all of your stuff in the Delsey bag la? Hmmmm.. a container now sounds even more viable.

happy B'day Bron!

Posted by frostee @ 06/12/2023 02:19 PM GMT

Happy bday Bong!

btw fuzz, u look like a 14 yr old kid in the webcam pic.

Posted by ronnie @ 06/12/2023 05:44 PM GMT

sook ling when are u leaving?

Posted by xes @ 06/12/2023 08:37 PM GMT

tee hee.

leaving in a week, xes.

and i suppose looking like 14 is a compliment. :)

Posted by fuzzy @ 06/13/2002 01:25 AM GMT

Thanks Frostee... :)

Posted by bong @ 06/13/2002 01:26 AM GMT

Ah... Bong is Bron... I was like going "huh?" Sorry eh ... a wee bit slow. Pleasure Bron/Bong! :)

Posted by frostee @ 06/13/2002 01:22 PM GMT

Leaving in a week? Aww, that's so soon! :(

Posted by Jamie @ 06/13/2002 11:42 PM GMT

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