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07/07/2024 Entry: "Bumblefuck, New Zealand."

Hello hello.

I know I'm long overdue for an update here, and this is gonna be a pretty long one. Well, 8 minutes worth of furious typing, that is. 8 minutes because I've finally found an internet cafe here and it costs NZ$2 for 15 minutes and I've already used up.. wait.. 8 minutes. That leaves me 7. Sigh.

Well, my last update was from Jin's I think. I was in Auckland and staying with Bron's family and I could've actually updated from there, but when I got off the plane, I got into another bout of indigestion and sickness and didn't feel like going online at all. I'm sure you'd understand.

2 days later, on the 1st of July I took a flight to Wanganui, where I'll be for the next few months. The flight was on a Metro Merlin, an 18-seater small propeller plane and it was noisy all the way there, the flight was one hour and I slept all the way through. When I got there, my International Student Officer, Anne, was there to greet us and took us to a motel, which is right next to the student flats. My mom is with me, so we stayed at the motel.

I got my flat about 3 days ago, and I have to admit it's pretty nice. You get a room to yourself, and you share the kitchen. I got the only room with the balcony at the front, which is pretty lucky. All my flatmates are Malaysian so far, there's still one empty room. There should be six of us in total, but right now there's me, another Malaysian chinese girl, two malay boys from KL, another chinese boy from Penang.

I'm pretty much settled in - oh wait, I just put in another $2 so I got 17 minutes more now - on Wednesday they took me to the bank and I got my account and cashcard all sorted. I also met the two malay boys, Sal and Wan, at the bank and after that we walked around the town a bit. They seem pretty nice.

Moving into my flat was hell because I had about 70kgs worth of stuff to drag up the stairs, but I got lucky and my senior, the chinese guy in my flat, happened to come down the stairs and helped me with my luggage.

I took some pictures of my flat, which will have to wait till I buy a monitor and sort my PC out, before I can transfer them out of my digicam. I miss my life back in KL terribly.

Wanganui is a quiet, quiet town. They call it a city, but its really just a town. There are 2 or three small departmental stores here, 2 big supermarkets, which is rather like the Giant Hypermarkets you get in KL, lots of shops, especially second hand charity shops. Selling and buying second hand stuff seems to be a big thing here, although I've not yet succumb to buying anything second hand, I'm very tempted to buy the cute coffee table I saw for $5.

I've been making full use of my renewed credit card status, and buying everything I need for my flat, including a very nice duvet and blue flannelette sheets. I have matching satin pillowcases. I bought everything in blue, because that's my other favourite colour, and because it's Bron's favourite colour too. My sheets look like the light powder blue bar on the right side of this page. Really, it does.

I'm so colour-coordinated, even my website matches my room deco now. Hah!

The only thing lacking in my life right now (besides my boyfriend) is the convenience of having a good ol' microwave. I spent NZ$140 at Woolworths last night (they open till midnight everyday) attempting to bury myself in stockpiles of food, in case there ever was a famine (haha!) - I love food, and I love to cook.. and the scary part about living all alone is.. well, I seem to be on autopilot domesticate mode. I am cooking and cleaning and washing up, and the worst bit is, I enjoy it.

Oh man.

There is a lack of a good cigar shop here, other than the local tobacconist, there isn't much else on offer, but I still have that chocolatey Hondurian that Jin bought for me from Brisbane. Good thing my flat is non-smoking and I have a balcony. At least I can smoke my cigar in peace.

Things here are pretty expensive, especially anything to do with paper, like toilet paper costs 82c a roll. Atrocious! Chicken meat and everything else is expensive, except pet food, but I can hardly survive on that now can I? In other news, I've bought myself a couple of kilos of Kiwifruit, which is only $1.49/kg. I've gone healthy. No more nicotine and alcohol for me, no sir. It's now low-fat fruit yoghurt and low-fat high-carbo Cranberry Bran for me. My chicken, that comes in a 500g pack, is 97% fat-free and the instant jelly I made last night is sugar-free. Amazing. No more oily char kway teow and oily roti canais.. sigh. I MISS KL FOOD!!!

I also miss, apart from KL food, my KL boyfriend. Not that there will be an NZ boyfriend (unless Bronson moves here) I miss Bronson like shit. I'm so used to spending all my time with him, and suddenly I'm throwing myself on a plane and flying 324365 kms away and all I'm left with is a shitty VO/IP when I attempt to call him using a cheap phone card. Sigh. I love my boyfriend too much.

You hear that? I LOVE YOU, BRONSON!

Right. I've also got a prepaid mobile line here, and for the sake of convenience more than anything else, I'm gonna post my number up here.. no time left on this thing to e-mail all my friends, sigh. Tiff, jot this down. It's +6421 2331958 and I won't be using it till the 15th, because I still have my maxis line with me (No, you can't have that number) and to my friends, please please send me some SMSes because I'm really bored.

Oh boy, 15 minutes go really fast when you're having fun typing this out. My fingers are tired and this is beginning to resemble a short fiction. I got 3 minutes left.

3 minutes I'm gonna use to say hi to everyone who reads this blog of mine regularly, and I promise I'm gonna update this more often now that I've found an internet cafe here in this town. Hehe. I know also I got a ton of blogs to catch up on, some I haven't read for 2 weeks! I will catch up on all of them eventually. I promise.

Err, oh yeah. I've been told twice tall chinese girls with long hair and slight Brit accents are incredibly sexy. I hope they're not directly referring to me in my face. I damn perasan leh.. hiaks!

Adios for now, I know this is a loooooong entry and that I should've put a nice big chunk of it on the 'extended entry' area, but I can't be half assed to do so.

Replies: 10 comments

Eh sooks. Got yer number; but does this mean I have to wait till the 15th to call?!

Miss ya :/ Will probably miss ya even more when I get back to KL. If you want anything, just holler. I'll try to DHL Bronson too, if you like. fist, I gotta knock him over the head with a stick first so that I can fit him in the box :P


Posted by wooz @ 07/07/2024 12:02 PM CST

Wow! What a story! Hope you enjoy your stay there. Seems like you're settling down just fine. Good luck!

Posted by Angeline @ 07/07/2024 09:24 PM CST

Good to see you blogging again...missed your daily updates. =D

Posted by killuminati @ 07/07/2024 11:48 PM CST

hi there girl!
hope u adjust well in NZ. it's a great place after u explore it.
anyway, nice site here. i'm so envy u got to go over seas to study and get ur own room which is all blue!

Posted by jessie @ 07/08/2024 12:56 AM CST

Hey steph! great to hear from you again. was beginning to wonder if it took you that long to settle down.

Hope you're feeling much better now too.

Sending you sum <3 now baybeh!

Posted by rayz @ 07/08/2024 01:13 AM CST

update more ler.....well, maybe you will when your course starts!

Posted by Jason @ 07/09/2024 02:02 AM CST

hey my fav color is blue, too! :-)
and i KNOW how you feel abt havin your bf so damn far away. last december, my bf left 3 days earlier than me to California coz we couldn't get the same flight. i was in Kansas, (not as far as NZ and KL), but MANNN, i nearly died missin him! we're back on summer vacation now in kl, and he went to bangkok on a family tour for 5 days. i was dead. about to be resurrected when he returns tonite!

take care girl! :-)

Posted by grace @ 07/09/2024 11:06 AM CST

take it easy steph. you'll be fine. im having a ldr too. i know its not easy but everything will be alright. have fun in nz... :)

Posted by mary @ 07/09/2024 01:06 PM CST

Woohoo you're okay *hugz* I got so worry about you!!!! :D

Posted by Chris @ 07/09/2024 02:30 PM CST

I love you too Stephanie... :)

My mp3 "Thank you for loving me" is playing while i'm writing this comment...

Posted by bron @ 07/10/2024 12:58 AM CST

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