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07/12/2023 Entry: "CGD starts here."

Here I am! This time I'm in my CGD building computer labs and the machines in this building are soooo sexy! All G4's. Yum. Sony flatscreens. Double yum. I miss my LG Flatron back home.. the monitor I got here is a old classic 15" which would probably serve it's purpose but.. well, sigh, its not a flatscreen is it?

It's about 1:25 pm here, I know I know, I gotta fix the time zone thing in my Greymatter, might even do it after this post. I had to wake up really early today to go to for a library tour (yay!) and a tour of the city, which I think I mentioned in my last post.. we went up to Durie Hill, an on top of the hill there was this tower overlooking the river, and it was a 7 floor climb up. So tiring... and the winds were so cold as well, so yeah, you can imagine me huffing and puffing and err.. climbing up those steps.

Right after that we went to see some lake in Wanganui and went for a nature walk thing. I managed to take pictures of some black swans and ducks and all that jazz. I might not even bother posting them up, because those things are boring to look at. Really.

I'm settling in pretty well now, as you might know the first few days here was pretty shitty for me and I'm now not as homesick as I was! Which is good, right? I still miss my girlfriends and my boyfriend. Can't have the cake and eat it too..

I met a new friend today, his name is Charlie and he has no last name because he is a huge black cat that lives in the Library. I'm not kidding. He is so cute though, I always had a thing for big black cats. Heh.

Hope everyone is good.. still no time to catch up on blogs but started reading a little bit of Tiff's blog earlier. Sydney is fun eh? Promise promise I'll read every entry of all my daily reads that I've missed when I get an internet connection.

Ah, internet. Stuck like a thorn on my side, this internet thing. You see, the student apartments are given ONE house phone line which is in the living room and it's shared.. because previously other students have talked up a storm and left the Uni with huge phone bills, they've taken away the priviledge of having personal lines for each unit. DAMMIT!!!! So.. being me.. the scheming little nutcase, I've gone and made friends with the local commputer shop guy, and he's kinda promised to set up a VPN for me. That's a virtual private network, for those who are wondering.

You see, the Uni has also taken another step in insuring that there will not be huge phone bills by blocking all numbers except free calls. Lucky for us, local calls here are FREE. Amazing. 0800 numbers are also free. Not so amazing. So.. It means I can't dial into the local ISP because its an 0867 number, so if the local computer guy John sets up a VPN for me, i dial up into his office, which is a FREE call.. so it works. John's like my own private little ISP.

I'm seeing him after this to sort out payments (What? You thought it was free too?) then going to grab a kebab for lunch because I'm starving.

I went to Wellington on Tuesday to pick up my dad from Wellington airport, and stayed a night there. I also managed to spot a Body Shop in Welli, which was great, so I could buy my body butter (Yum!) There are no Body Shops here in Wanganui, for obvious reasons. Tomorrow we are driving up to Mount Ruapehu, which is a volcano in the middle of the North Island, and its a ski resort.. gulp. I know I'm gonna be frozen by the time I get back (it's a one hour drive there - daytrip) so err.. send me some hot water bottles?


Hey, thank you to the stranger who bought me the 20 meter phone line extension cord, the video cables and the voice data splitter. Someone (don't know who yet) left it with my dad to bring it here for me. Really nice of you. Thank you! I owe you a drink.. whoever you are.

I got my new schedule for the term, and I'm a special case! Yay me! Everyone's allowed only one elective, but I'm taking three. I got exempted from Online Media. Heh. Could mean more hard work, but hey, print should be fun. I'm going in that direction now.. taking Digital Type Design, Poster Design and Advanced Publication Design on top of my core subjects.. and I have English too! Whee!


Hey, I watched TV for the longest time the other night and there are alot of Brit shows here. Tops! I'm now following the show UK Single Girls, which is a really funny show.. there are 4 selected girls, given a 2 million pound (No pound sign on this keyboard) penthouse, and 6 weeks to pull and find the man of their dreams. Oh man, that must be so fun. I wanna go to London!! I miss London!! Pfft.

Oh well.. am really starving now so better go get some food soon.

Replies: 7 comments

wah seh, its good that you are settling in. have fun!

VPN, =) around your area got WiFi capabilities and facilities or not? try wireless ler. heh

Posted by potatoe @ 07/12/2023 10:38 AM CST

Sounds like a HELL of a lot of fun... Any sheep yet? hahah =)

Posted by LuC @ 07/12/2023 12:32 PM CST

huaaa. that's one heluva long blog

Posted by Jan Ee @ 07/14/2002 09:44 PM CST

dang girl talk about catching up hehehehe glad you are adjusting well!

Posted by Chris @ 07/15/2002 05:16 PM CST

come back to KL damnit!! :(

i miss you!!

P/S: am thinking of buying more crystals; you need any?

Posted by wooz @ 07/16/2002 04:14 AM CST

heh i know its long.. heh..

tiff, err.. how are you gonna get it to me over here in bumblefuck NZ?

Posted by fuzzy @ 07/16/2002 11:59 AM CST

heh i know its long..

err, tiff, how you gonna ge it over to me in bumblefuck NZ? :)

Posted by fuzzy @ 07/16/2002 12:00 PM CST

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