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07/18/2002 Entry: "Mindtrip"

I am obsessed with posting something ever single time I log on to the computer. Hehe. I guess I just really really miss my internet connection. Remember I said the computer guy was gonna come over on Tuesday? Miscommunication. He thought I was gonna go over to his office, so.. sigh, still no internet. I am bored stiff at home, so here I am at 9.40 at night in the lab.

Dinner was good.. I cooked scotch steak for Sal and myself because he helped me retrieve my keys this morning, I told him dinner was on me. I've been cooking a whole lot lately. Pfft! Then Jimi came over and we all hung out for awhile, then I went to the supermarket. I just somehow spent NZ$67 on groceries. Trust me, I don't know where the money went either, but I know if I do that every time I go to the supermarket, I'm gonna be dead broke by the end of th term. Wahey.

It went something like this -- Milk! Ok, I'll get some for breakfast tomorrow. Hmm. With cereal, definately. Cereal is healthy. Wait, I don't have any cereal at home, gotta pick one up. Blackcurrant tea? That's gotta be good. Yup, take that too. Ambi Pur! I need a room freshener, I really do. Ooh, they have so many kinds.. Clearasil wipes? Hmm.. well, yeah I do have some breakouts.. prolly need that too. Chicken or beef? Chicken or beef? I bought the lamb. Think I need mint sauce with that. And some parsley, for the marinade. Did I forget anything?

Women like me should never be allowed to go grocery shopping alone. I also bought vitamins (Gotta stay healthy) and cheese, you know, to make another omelette tomorrow. Gotta remind myself to look at the bloody price tags next time round.

Hehe, I sound like such a bimb..ooo..

I wonder what my parents are up to in Melbourne. They left Wanganui on Monday, and I swear, I never loved them anymore than I did that morning. Dad was being really sweet, and that made me cry (Not in front of him though) - he text'd me later that night to remind me to put a bowl of water somewhere in the room because the heater can be really dehydrating and bad for my skin. Aww man. I cried some more. It wasn't all that funny then though.

After I post this, I'm gonna get working on my research for (sigh) all 4 classes I'm taking. One's due at 8am tomorrow. Blasted place, everyone here wakes up sooooo early (and I'm sooooo not used to it) and Woolworth's down the corner opens at 7am. Imagine if I'd worked there, I'd be awake at 6am. Noooo!

So.. where was I. Supermarket. Yep, after that I had to take a taxi coz I was carrying so much stuff, even though my place is about 5 mins walk away. Then the guys decided to go to the lab, and here I am, after two games of pool upstairs in the student common room. I won the first one (hehe) but it was fun, yeah.

I have to get used to the concept of being at school in the middle of the night. I know its only 10pm now, but it gets dark at 5:30, so yeah, it feels like the middle of the night. Everything's so quiet in here. Later in the term, I'll be blogging from here at 3am. Don't be surprised, but not that it makes any difference, I used to blog at 3am when I was in Malaysia, only the 3am here is 11pm there. No fair.

Better get crackin on that research :)

Replies: 2 comments

Oooh Woolsworth!! I love that place! I used to drop by there almost everyday after school to do shopping and buy things that I don't need! Except they're called Safeway for some reason in Melbourne :P U sound like u're having fun steph, becareful of eating though ... I pilled on kilos when I was in melbourne cooking up a storm everyday! :P

Posted by Jamie @ 07/19/2002 01:33 AM CST

come back to KL already :/


keep yer keys on a chain and take it everywhere with you :)

Posted by wooz @ 07/19/2002 05:41 AM CST

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