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07/27/2002 Entry: "Vanilla Sky"
 Vanilla Sky
Waking up today is not that fun. I only managed to restore some semblance of my sanity with only 4 hours of sleep before my alarm rang, and I had an hour to hit the library before it closes for the weekend. On a whim, we decided to rent some videos last night and watched Serendipity, got on the phone with Bron for an hour, watched Vanilla Sky, fell asleep for several 5 minute intervals throughout the movie, didn't get it and still don't get the movie. Went to sleep at 6 am right after the movie ended.
Can someone help me keep sane by telling me what Vanilla Sky is all about?
In the labs now because everyone else is here and I feel real lazy if I'd spent my Saturday afternoon sleeping at home, ya know? Since I don't have that much work to catch up on, I thought I'd get some research done.. which is what I'm doing now.
Not going to Palmerston Nth anymore. No car, forgot to arrange to rent one, and all of us are feeling hungover from the double dose of movies last night. Pfft.
I gotta run, The Sweetest Thing starts in 20 minutes. Yes, there is a cinema here.
Replies: 4 comments
david ames [tom cruise] is actually dead. he ODed on pills or something. but not before he signed up for the lucid dreams program. it's sorta like he dreams in his 'sleep'. and all his dreams are related to things that he has seen i.e movies, posters..etc. so he wakes, a long long time after, and realizes it all. the end.
Posted by girl @ 07/27/2002 08:06 PM GMT
all i remember was just tom cruise screwing cameron diaz... hehe
Posted by xes @ 07/28/2002 05:54 AM GMT
If you ever get to catch the original Spanish movie, Open Your Eyes, it explains the premise of Vanilla Sky better...
But VS was definitely my fav movie after Lord of the Rings last yr!
Anyway, Tom Cruise has an accident...horribly disfigured...depressed...signs on prog to be cyro-frozen...kills self...frozen and subjected to a dream prog that keeps his brain working...manufacture own destiny...where P Cruz accepts him rather than rejects...dream goes wrong...and messes with the reality he has constructed in his dream, which is actually artificial b/c he's already dead, and hence it's not really reality but a dream that appears to be reality b/c he is experiencing it like a dream, which often resembles reality...
lol...don't worry about the last part if you didn't get it.
Posted by Kai @ 07/28/2002 05:14 PM GMT
Kai, I might actually go look for the spanish movie you mentioned - thanks for the explanation, LOL. I guess its something like the Fight Club, init?
That show kicked. My all time fave would still be the Usual Suspects - omg that's one good movie!
Posted by fuzzy @ 07/29/2002 08:01 AM GMT
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